Holiday 2014 – Journey Near The Antipodes

Not really a lot of trip reporting as of yet, as the trip hasn’t quite started.

My bags are as packed as I can get them the day before a trip, and neither is very close to the weight limit, which strikes me as a good thing.

This year’s convention plans involve LonCon 3 (WorldCon in London) and Shamrokon. (The European convention, in Dublin, Ireland)
There will be some touristing, a visit to Chris in Essex (I met Chris at Gen Con in 2012, and despite having met me already, he was willing to do so again 🙂 ), and a trip to Zurich via Paris to catch with Jono & see whatever there is to see in Switzerland.
Heavily-armed cuckoo-clocks made of chocolate, maybe?

That may not be too far out; The Lindt factory is in Zurich, and I’m told they do tours. There’s also the Guiness Brewery tour in Dublin, and I’m sure I can find something to do in London, …

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