
Everyone in the universe was in Seattle this weekend, it seems, with PAX West, a Mariners Baseball game, and a few conventions or conferences, so I found a place out by the airport.

Hostelworld was convinced that there were no hostel beds in the city that weekend, and hotel prices were eye watering, so I got allegedly creative; Airport hotels tend to be a bit cheaper, and in many places it’s easy to get to the airport.

The Fairfield Inn actually has a free shuttle to do airport pickups and dropoffs, but it was a strait shot down the road from the terminal train station, and around a mile, so I walked it.

Room’s nice.

The view … Well, it serves as a constant reminder of our ability to move people around.

I’ll be honest; Bugger-all happened.

I did a couple of blog posts, got my paper journal up to date (writing on the train was challenging thanks to jolting, and my handwriting is bad enough already), and got some of the audio editing I’d planned to do on the train out of the way.

I did leave the hotel a few times.

  • Lunch/Dinner at the IHOP down the road
  • Lunch at the Denny’s down the road in the other direction
  • A general-purpose wander on Saturday night. Not being sure of how far was sensible at night, it wasn’t much of a wander, though it was nice to experience evening temperatures which made me think “a warmer shirt wouldn’t be a bad thing”.

The evening wander did allow me to find out that the hotel had complimentary cookies, to go with the in-lobby coffee & hot water (and hot chocolate sachets), which made editing a more nummy experience.

And I slept.
Didn’t sleep so well on the train this time around; Not sure why, though the jolting can’t have been helping.

could have taken the shuttle back to Sea-Tac when I checked out, but it was a pleasantly cool & non-sunny, so I walked it again, detouring through the airport to be nosy & get a coffee.
There was a guy wandering around singing a few bars of “Tomorrow” from Annie; Wasn’t sure whether he wanted people to join in, but he was ahead of me on the concourse, so not an option.


The Empire Builder – Chicago to Seattle

First, let’s get this out of the way;


Where the fuzzy hell was this a week ago?
I was at Union Station, looking at the display of route guides, and I would have noticed it.

Please don’t tell me that I started a trend of going to Kalamazoo.

I’d packed up the night before, as much as was possible, so Thursday morning was pretty easy.
Naturally, I didn’t sleep well, because APPARENTLY I hate being well-rested for a trip. Or something.

Amtrak Ticket

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