Google Image Search To The Rescue

I currently have some form of lurgh, so this may descend into even less comprehensible ramblings than usual

Back in 2016. at the start of my trip around the USA, I stayed in a hotel with some … unusual … wall art; This was in the corridor.

On the walls of the room itself were pictures which looked like photomanipulations, or composites, and I have been wondering who did them, and what, if anything, the story behind them was.

Eventually I had the idea of feeding the pictures I’d taken into an image search, which came back with an artist named Todd Baxter.

The first one is from a project called PROJECT ASTORIA : TEST 01 | Elk Grove, about an interplanetary colony which is slowly decaying, and the children who’ve grown up there.

The second is from Owl Scouts: Lost in the Woods, which is … dark.
Let’s just say that it doesn’t go well for the kid facing down the bear.

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