A Half A Day In Rotterdam

It’s been a while since i posted here, but … Haven’t been doing much travelling lately, nobody wants to hear about needful but unpleasant trips to to the dentist, and if I posted work-related stuff I’d probably get fired.
However, I had a couple of days of “use it or lose it” leave to use before the end of March (5 days carried over from 2023, 2.5 used on Bank Holidays & a dentist trip), so I’d booked the days off without having a solid plan for what I was going to do with them, then came up with the plan somewhat at the last minute. There were probably more sensible ways to do things, but … This is what I did.

  • Train to London, then train to Harwich
  • Night boat to Hoek van Holland
  • Metro to Rotterdam
  • Spent the day mooching about in Rotterdam
  • Metro back to Hoek van Holland
  • Night boat back to Harwich
  • Train to London, mooched about in London for a bit

Something to note: The Night Boat back to the UK doesn’t get you to London until 0900 or so, so there’s no way I could start work at my regular time unless I took my work laptop on holiday with me (which HR have made abundantly clear they’re not keen on). The Day Boat gets back to London sufficiently late that I could just make the last train back ‘home’, but only if absolutely nothing goes wrong, and it’s still 0100 or so, which is a bit late for a work night. Thus, two night-boat trips.

This’ll be fairly picture-heavy, so I’ll put in a cut.

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