Clambering Out Of The Bath

OK, not my best work.

I’m probably tempting fate by saying this, but my packing process feels like it’s getting faster. Some of that will be because of the things which never made it out of the bag(s) in the first place, but I’m thinking that a bunch of it is due to having a designated spot for (most) things, so it’s just a case of findings the thing & stowing it, no decision making required.

For a long time I’d been doing the much-advised “tightly roll all your stuff to save space” thing, but after some experimenting, I’m not sure that it’s as generally applicable as travel blogs/vlogs/instagrammers like to think. Recently I’ve gone with “fold until it’s roughly the same dimensions as the bottom of the compartment”, which then lets me stack things and let the weight of the stuff above compress it for me. To be fair, this is for things like Cargo Shorts, Sweatpants, Hoodie, … Not the things I’d need regular access to, so it doesn’t matter much if I need to move something to get at it. ( The Big Black Bag is a sort of front-of-the-top loader, a squat rectangular shape where the front ⅔ unzips )

Didn’t sleep amazingly well on Friday or Saturday nights, so my precautionary 2 hours before alleged checkout alarm was very useful indeed. Most of the packing up was done the night before, so I could do the second to last bits (any clothing items I’m not wearing, laundry, anything in any room of the place gets moved to the bed) before wandering out to get some breakfast from the amusingly named Boston Tea Party¹.

I was impressed. They had a nice location, on a corner jutting into a square, so they could have outside tables and awnings. Good food, and one of the “scan the code to order at your table” systems, which are great for a low-brainpower morning.

In theory I was supposed to check out by 10, but since the owner had basically said “please be out by the time the cleaning lady arrives at 12”, I feel that my 10:15ish departure was OK. ( A bunch of that was just putting things back roughly where they belonged; unfeasible number of cushions back on the sofa, weird embroidery cushions on a chair and not the floor, chair by the desk and not in the bedroom fireplace to keep the ghosts at bay, … )

I made a stop a the pinkest & most floral cafe I’ve ever seen; Sweet Little Things. It’s like drinking coffee in a very fancy cupcake.

As a side note; Is Bath one of those Hen/Bachelorette party cities? There was a group who showed up while I was there, but then went to one of the other locations in Bath, possibly because of size of group or whether they were doing actual breakfast; The location I was at had apparently called the other one to let them know a group was incoming .

Then there was another smaller group I passed on the way to the station, and I’m pretty sure I saw a few more during the week.

And then to the station.

It got oddly crowded on the platform after the photos were taken, I’m told due to there being no trains yesterday because of rail strikes. As a stroke of luck I’d noticed that the Great Western Railway app had a ‘how full is this carriage’ indicator on their live train information screen; It had been blank earlier, presumably because the train wasn’t running yet, but had now updated to show that the middle of the train was full ( I’m assuming it’s showing reserved seats, not actual people per carriage ), so I moved myself to the far end of the platform to line up with the back of the train.

Surprisingly, it worked, and the last carriage isn’t full. I don’t think there are any empty doubles, but I’ve not got anyone sitting beside me, and I can see some empty seats around. Meanwhile, much as with the trip out here, they announced that they couldn’t do the cafe cart service because they can’t move through the train.

Maybe it’s just a polite fiction, and there is never a cart?

¹ Who are a chain, maybe a franchise, that I’d never heard of prior to going to Salisbury. Looking at a map, I think I can see why;

Bath – Sunday to Friday

The trip here was uneventful, but mostly because I boarded the train as soon as I could & got a seat. Not everyone did, because it was full of folks going to Penzance whose train was supposed to be leaving from Paddington, but was instead leaving from Reading. I don’t know why.

Anyway, I had a window seat, so I read and dozed my way to Bath. The train staff gave up on the idea of moving through the train, so no ticket checks, and the tea/coffee/snack cart parked itself in one place and made “I’m in this carriage, but only come to get stuff if it’s safe to do so” announcements.

Finding this week’s place was surprisingly easy, and … It’s very nice.

I put a chair in front of the creepy fireplace to block the ghosts

Monday was a holiday, and I spent most of it just sort of wandering around Bath. I found the Royal Crescent by following an arty map from the wall of the place I’m staying, and The Circus by accident in the process.

A very niche operation, and we’re wondering about those flag colours
I’m not sure who Quiet Saint Coffee is, but I plan to visit their shrine at some point

Tuesday, … How to cover Tuesday?

Tuesday wasn’t great. I’m not entirely sure why, but work was frustrating & annoying, and that kind of spilled over into the rest of the day.

Let’s just skip over Tuesday, shall we?


Better than Tuesday, but still annoying.

On the plus side, I did go for a walk ‘upriver’ to find a pub formerly owned/run by the folks who now own/run our not really local pub in Aylesbury. Didn’t go in, because a pub is absolutely the last place I want to be after two annoying days in a row, but it was beside a bridge with the now standard picturesque view of the Avon, so that was worth the trip.

I think I should stop doing the day by day report; On any given working week, unless it’s an odd week or I’m doing a bunch of coworking space trips, it’s going to be something in the Good Day/Bad Day spectrum, and even I’m getting bored reporting on that.

So, Thursday was a better day, though I’m not sure why. I was feeling a bit unwell in the lungs the last few days, so maybe that had something to do with it? Anyway, tried Quiet Street Coffee for a morning beverage, and they were pretty good. And I went for a stroll down the canal to see what was there. (A couple of really sunk boats at one place)

Friday, sadly, started well but descended into shit as the day went on. My planned “get these things done” turned into “how in the hell is that system which has been specifically disabled so that it can’t access the outside world doing the very thing that it is specifically not supposed to be doing?”, which ate the rest of the day.

I did try another coffee place for the morning; The Bath Coffee Company, which is a little place in one of the many squares around here. Got to sit at a little outside table & enjoy the morning before going to work, which was quite pleasant.

I really do wish I was enjoying Bath more; It’s nice, and there’s pretty architecture and some nice parks, but the week of work bullshit really is affecting my view of the place. Doing the Roman Baths tour thing tomorrow, so hopefully that, plus the weekend, will improve things.

Greenwich Monday to Thursday

Leaving Salisbury went smoothly; I’d packed everything I possibly could, done the dishes, and even vacuumed the night before, so all I really needed to do was shower, put on the clothes I’d set out the evening before, and go, retuning the key to it’s lockbox & dumping some rubbish on the way out.

Me being me, I still did some paranoid checks of things, but the intention was good.

The train to London arrived confusingly, in that the SWR app and the station signs said it was approaching and between two stops, while the announcement said it was the empty train already at the platform. One final spooky mystery of the stay?

The trip itself? Uneventful. Pretty scenery, stops in tiny little villages, and eventually London Waterloo station. Because of my extreme cleverness of checking out on a work day Monday and not going for early check-in at my hotel, I booked another Brewdog Deskdog co-working desk, this one at their super convenient Waterloo Station site. (Which would be easier to find if they had consistent signage at Waterloo station)

view of the trainside of some Waterloo Station platforms

The Waterloo location is specifically called out as being more expensive, and I get why now; it’s purpose built for co-working. Open early, a lot of space, a few one person pods for calls & meetings, and in a space where someone wandering in would be really obvious.

Also, there are two levels, and there’s a slide.

By the time I was in the mood to try the slide, there were some kids having a great time on it, and I didn’t want to disrupt them

I’m liking the Deskdog thing. It’s an interesting space to work out of, quiet enough that I’m getting work done, and the fact that there are people around is something of a calming influence when you really want to call someone an idiot. Or worse.

There were a few other people using the ‘main” space ( set up with big tables & power outlets ), a few singles, a couple of people who seemed to be working on something together, and a group who acted like they knew each other who’d maybe all come together there for an in-person gathering.

Part of the point of this London week was to try out working in London, and to try out co-working spaces; The Company is part of one in London (Geovation), so I had an introduction session for that over teams. Felt a bit odd to be talking about a space from a different equivalent space, but it turns out that the Geovation thing is more of an incubator which has some office hubs; They’re big into networking & development & the like, which really didn’t come up when anyone at work mentioned the space. Work folks were all about hotdesks & meeting rooms.

I also did some rearranging of Gen Con Events; Gave back a ticket to something I wasn’t as keen on so that I could get something else. Not an unheard of process for me where the Gen Con schedule is concerned.

Worked from Brewdog until about 4, then scuttled off to the hotel to finish out my day from there before the Underground got too busy.

Had an early night, and I worked the Tuesday from the hotel so that I could sleep longer, which only sort of worked. Did go for a morning wander around Greenwich though, so that worked out ok.

Took this picture at Greenwich Markets as a “nope” image, but it was pointed out that this could be an outreach sort of deal by aquatic life, or a side venture by the band Eels
Remember Eels?

I have a desk booked at the Geovation hub for Thursday & Friday (security needs a 24 hour warning), and another Deskdog Waterloo booking for tomorrow (Wednesday). I’d initially thought they were booked solid at Brewdog, but a bit of playing with finish times makes it look like they have a large afternoon group booked, so I’m there until 3.

Went for an afterwork walk under the Thames (some brain donor had left a couple of ride share bikes in the tunnel), then took the DLR further in & wandered around for a bit until I accidentally found St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Deskdog Waterloo continues to be good. Given the size of the Waterloo bar, it did take a while to find someone to tell me where I was supposed to be sitting (the space from Monday was roped off), but I also found a coffee shop in the bar that I’d missed the first time. Explains the “whatever you want” reaction when I’d asked what sort of coffee they can do. The seat this time (actually a booth) had a view out of the building into The Outside World, and there were a bunch of folks doing work, having meetings, that sort of thing; it’s a nice environment.

Getting there from Greenwich in the morning was easier than expected, despite the absolute maze of Canary Wharf; I don’t think I’ve ever taken the same path through that place twice when going to or from the DLR.

The environment does make it easier to not take breaks, which could be an issue.

Went for a bit of a wander in the evening, and ended up catching, if not adequately photographing, a nice sunset.

Thursday was a Geovation Hub Co-working Space day. Getting there was surprisingly easy; DLR to the end of the line, thus avoiding the Canary Wharf Experience™, and the Northern Line to the closest station, which isn’t that close because of Farringdon just being like that.

Arrived in time to get coffee with an excitingly expressive name. They had merch, and I was tempted to get a sticker for the work laptop.

For a place that made suck a big deal about booking numbered desks, I didn’t see any actual desk numbers. I sat where the little diagram said I should, or at least where it said the desks my number was in were supposed to be, because again, no desk numbers that I could see.

Sat there in the more social area by the kitchen, did work, chatted to the one other person at the table about his startup & my work, and it was nice enough, but … Not the networking powerhouse I’d expected. Mostly small/medium groups who already knew each other, presumably because they work together, keeping to themselves.

Probably it’s different when there are more people in the hub, but it felt a bit dead. Back again on Friday, so we’ll see how it looks on what I’m assuming will be an even quieter day.

Took the Elizabeth Line back, just because I could, at least as far as Canary Bloody Wharf. It’s nice, and all shiny and new and vaguely purple.