My Spine Is The Bassline?

Seriously, how often do you get the chance to use a Shriekback song title as a medical reference?

By Way Of A Preamble
By the time I got back to House Needs-A-Name from the airport, I couldn’t stand or walk properly; Back pain had turned into not being able to put weight on my right leg.

A day or so later, things were improving, but not as swiftly as I’d like, so I went to a physiotherapist, and we worked on it.
All good.

It’s What Happens Next
Then my calf muscle started cramping up, I assumed because of the limping.

I mentioned this to the physio, who explained the difference between a cramp & actual pain, and seemed … concerned … by this development.
Then I mentioned that the sole of my foot had gone numb.
I never want to see that expression on the face of a medical professional again.

Diagnosis, after determining that I couldn’t do a calf raise on my right leg, was a disc bulge, and I was sent off for some x-rays right bloody now.

Sometime around then I also found walking difficult, or at least walking without a limp, which is what the physio told me to do.
This may have paid off when I had to visit WINZ a day or so later, to assure them that I was still job-seeking; At that stage my non-limping movement was down to steps about the length of my own foot, and very deliberate turns, and my case worker looked horrified. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was apparently placed on the “Leave this guy alone” list, based on not really being fit for work that wasn’t an acting role as ‘Zombie #17 – Slow-moving Longhair’.

Skipping To The Last Chapter
A couple of months of physiotherapy, an X-ray, a visit to a spinal surgeon, an MRI, and a whole lot of wondering what was going on in my back later, here’s where its at;

  • There seems to be improvement – I can walk a whole lot better & further, and can do a wobbly calf raise on my right leg.
    There has been a slow improvement on the calf-raise front. When the problem first became apparent, it was like the muscles weren’t there; No response whatsoever. Couldn’t even support myself on it.
    By the time I saw the spinal surgeon, I could get maybe a centimeter of lift in the heel.
    Now I can transition into standing on the ball of that foot, but can’t hold it for long.
  • I have another meeting with the spinal surgeon in a few weeks time, to go over the MRI results – I’m expecting, or at least hoping, that they’ll say that it seems to be coming right.
    At the first appointment with said surgeon, they said that they’d not be considering any form of intervention at this stage anyway, because these things can heal themselves over a period of months, and it wasn’t causing me significant pain/distress/impact. I’m OK with that.
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Something Of A Wrap-Up

I’ve been back for 9 or so days, the laundry is done (and, indeed, has built up to the point where it must be done again), the suitcase is mostly unpacked (should get onto that this weekend), and importantly to me at least, my back seems to be on the mend.


One Last Thing From Las Vegas

While failing to see the Bellagio fountains due to a trifling error in basic reading comprehension, I noted that a place named the “Cabo Wabo Cantina” was playing a familiar song; Outlook For Thursday, by DD Smash
This was on a Friday, just to add to the oddness of a place in Vegas playing a New Zealand song from 1983.


The Back

Hauling my suitcase off the conveyor probably didn’t do me any favours, as by the time I got back to House Needs A Name in Meadowbank, I couldn’t put weight on my right leg for a while after I got out of the car.
Various amounts of stretching & rest brought it back from there, but do more than that, so I saw a physiotherapist today, whose verdict was “not the disc, though there may have been some inflammation from the way the pain was migrating down one leg”, and who has given me some stretching sort of exercises to do.

It does feel better, so that’s a good sign, and there are some appointments next week to try to unlock my spine a bit, on the grounds that basically everything has tensed up.


Gen Con 2016 Plans

Oh, c’mon, we all knew I’d be starting planning.

I’m starting to think that the way to plan the next year or so is to figure out the events I definitely want to attend, and try to build a plan around that.
Gen Con (August 4 – 7, 2016) is one.
Right now it’s the only definite one, though if I were to do some travelling in the USA, Who’s Yer Con (April 1-3, 2016) has a certain appeal, as it’s in Indianapolis.

Having actually travelled around in LA, I now feel a whole lot more comfortable with the idea of venturing outside of the airport during long stretches between flights into & out of LAX, so that’s a good thing.

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Saturday – United Airlines Shenanigans, Shuttlebus Frolics, And Inside Out

Checking out happened without incident, or much in the way of waiting, which was nice; Those queues get … impressive at peak times.
Then again, it’s a 4000+ room hotel complex, so perhaps that is to be expected.

I looked it up, and the hotel dates back to the early 90’s. I’d assumed that it was at least a decade od so older than that.

As is usual, I got to the airport ridiculously early, and could have been earlier if I’d raced to catch the shuttle which was there as I arrived at the lobby. I didn’t feel like that, so just sat around & chatted to folks who were also waiting until the next one came.

Airline check-in systems seem to have improved over the very few years I’ve been travelling.
For Holiday 2012, I could guarantee that the auto-kiosk would shit itself when I gave it my NZ passport, and I’d have to go to an actual check-in person. This time, they seem to cope fine, so I’m guessing that the e-passport rollout is going well.
I did get asked if I was OK, but that was because I was taking the time to read what was on the screen, and was possibly talking to myself as I did so. I got here, as did my luggage, so I guess I did it right.

The plane.
It all went a bit tits-up when the plane happened.
They’d oversold by 5 seats or so, and started calling for volunteers to be compensated with $300 and take a later flight.
I was sort of interested until they clarified that it was a $300 travel voucher, for United, at which point it became pretty damn useless to me. (United are a part of Star Alliance, which Air NZ is also a part of, but I don’t know whether the voucher would transfer to other airlines in the network, and I’m damn sure I wouldn’t be willing to trust them if they said it did. Plus, I had places to be)

They got a couple of takers at $300, then a couple more when they bumped it to $400.
Then, on the plane, they discovered that the off-duty pilot wasn’t rated for that aircraft, so couldn’t ride in the cockpit, so they had to find lucky volunteer number five, at $500, with the explicit threat that if they picked you to be bumped to a later flight, you’d get nothing. Someone went for it, and we eventually were able to leave, late, to wait 20 minutes or so for the next available take-off opportunity.

On the plus side, I got a window seat, which was nice; Las Vegas to Los Angeles is only an hour, so the plane never gets that high, and there was no cloud, so I got to see a whole lot of desolate landscape that I’d like to go and scuffle around in someday.
Maybe in winter?

At Los Angeles,  the first couple of shuttlebus wranglers were not interested in the base concept of Santa Monica as a place that people wanted to go to, and a taxi driver pointed me at a bus stop.
The next shuttlebus bod, from SuperShuttle, looked at the address & said “Yeah, we can do that, take a seat over there”, and proceeded to get me onto a shuttle after maybe 20-30 minutes. Granted, I had to type Andrei’s address into the driver’s GPS app myself, because he was busy driving, but I got here, pretty much door to door, for $29 including tip, which doesn’t seem so bad.

Cluttered up Andrei’s lounge with my suitcase, and we went to see a movie, as Inside Out was playing, in a newly-revamped cinema with fancy electric-operated recliners.

Little Chunks Of Memory #1

There are things which didn’t make it into the various daily posts, mostly because I forgot, so I’m putting them here.

  1. On Gen Con Sunday, in the lobby of the Westin, we were set up in a spot under the escalators. Other folks were scattered all over the place, often playing with, or at least examining, their new games.
    Someone going up the escalator leaned over, saw people checking out the Firefly game “Shiny Dice”, and called down to ask what they thought of it. The player’s reactions were to look around in an increasingly startled manner, until they looked up, because from their point of view the disembodied voice of God had just talked to them and solicited their opinion on a TV tie-in dice game.
  2. Also that night, at the end of the meal, I may have agreed to do the Ork Stomp 5k with Moni, and possibly Frank, in 2016.
    Steven wisely chose to be unwell, which seem suspiciously convenient in retrospect.
    The plan as I remember it did not involve running the thing, just walking it, and may have happened over Baked Alaska, for added irony.
  3. On Post-Gen Con Monday (OK, how the hell do you hyphenate that? It looks wrong) I found a flyer for a system I’d heard of, but knew nothing about, so I photographed it.
    SixCess flyer

    SixCess flyer

    SixCess flyer, other side

    SixCess flyer, other side


  4. There was also this one, which I’m mostly posting for the artwork.
    Nefarious flyer

    Nefarious flyer


  5. While wandering around Las Vegas in the easily-connected hotels, I found a punne, or play on words.

    In the Shoppes at Mandalay Bay


  6. There was also this poster for the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay.

Wednesday – Generalised Ambling, How Far Can You Get, And Roller Coasters

I didn’t sleep in exactly, but also didn’t feel much like racing out to do stuff, so I had a leisurely morning.
Not sure whether there’s a Con Crud or G. Coli issue here; No big symptoms yet, but I’m keeping an eye on things.

View From My Window

View From My Window

Actual Landforms, As Seen From A Strangely-Angled Hotel Window

Actual Landforms, As Seen From A Strangely-Angled Hotel Window

Landscape and an Airport, as seen from my hotel window

Landscape and an Airport, as seen from my hotel window

For today, I mostly wandered & rubbernecked, seeing how far I could get without leaving the hotel system.
One way connects through to the Mandalay Bay, the other to the Excaliber, and there’s a wee tram which also connects them, via the Luxor. Across the road from Excaliber is New York New York, and across from that is the MGM Grand, and the fourth corner of the intersection holds the Tropicana.

Lobby of the Excalibur Hotel

Lobby of the Excalibur Hotel

Red Square, at the Mandalay Bay

Red Square, at the Mandalay Bay

Not sure why, but the headless Lenin statue amuses me

Not sure why, but the headless Lenin statue amuses me

The "foodcourt" area at New York New York. It's less blurry in reality.

The “foodcourt” area at New York New York. It’s less blurry in reality.

So, what have I noticed so far?
The decorated & themed bits of the hotels are all quite different; Luxor has the faux-Egyptian antiquity thing, Excalibur has castles and the like, New York New York has the obvious décor, and the MGM & Mandalay are going for general-purpose “Ooooh, swanky”, though the Mandalay felt a bit more like an airport.
The casino floors are all the same.
Dim lighting, laid out without much in the way of a system for navigation, the same machines in all of them.
The Tropicana was a little different, in that it had better lighting, and thus better navigation paths.

Amusingly, I am even less likely to want to play a game in the casino now that I’ve visited some.
The fact that the gaming floor is a smoking zone does not exactly help to make it my sort of thing either.

Because it’s Vegas, and because it was there, I rode the roller coaster at New York New York, and it was a lot of fun.
It’s an older style, with cars made up to look like New York Yellow Taxis, and what it lacks in high tech, it makes up for in throwing you through a lot of stuff in a small footprint; Kind of glad of the headrest stopping side-to-side neck strain, to be honest.

Tuesday – Way Too Early At The Airport, Southwest’s Odd Boarding System, Will We Ever Get To The Hotel, And This Place Is Huge

Being a somewhat anxious traveller has some side effects, the biggest one being that I tend to get to the airport vastly earlier than I need to, and then spend a bunch of time sitting on my arse staring at the walls.
This was the case today, save that I had Pangur Ban with me, so I could play CraigBlog catch-up.

My flights were with Southwestern, who seemed very pleasant at the check-in desk, and have a system for seating where you don’t have an assigned seat, but are instead given a priority; A1 through A60, then B1 through B60, etc.
I got C5, so was boarding almost last, and was therefore guaranteed a middle seat. Thought I’d have luggage space issues too, but there was a convenient spot across the aisle, so some luck there.
I now understand why they were offering an upgrade to A1 through A15 for $40, though I’m wondering how the priorities get assigned.

The crew themselves were kind of funny, and being thanked for flying with them on behalf of the airline, the crew, and the speaker’s mortgage was a nice touch.

Las Vegas is like an oven. It is like standing in front of a furnace, or a pizza oven, but without the possibility of garlic bread.
That last bit got away from me, I think.

I took a shuttlebus service to the hotel, which took a while due to someone leaving his phone on the bus & the driver doubling back.
The woman in the seat in front of me thought she recognised me, presumably from some other airport, but launched into the tale of her luggage going missing in Seattle before I could do the “I don’t remember you” bit. Impressed, she was not.

The Luxor.
How to sum up the Luxor?
I have no idea; Here are some photos.

This ... Looks kind of Central American to me - Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

This … Looks kind of Central American to me – Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

Fake buildings? I got nothing here, folks. - Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

Fake buildings? I got nothing here, folks. – Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

The Titanic Exhibition - Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

The Titanic Exhibition – Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

Big-ass Obelisk - Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

Big-ass Obelisk – Luxor interior, from the 16th floor

At the tram station outside the Luxor

At the tram station outside the Luxor

This place is enormous, and even finding my room was an exercise in navigation & sign-following; Here’s the map they drew for me at the West Tower Check-In Desks.

"See the escalators back there? Go up those, ahead until you hit the casino floor carpet, then turn right and use elevator bank 3B"

“See the escalators back there? Go up those, ahead until you hit the casino floor carpet, then turn right and use elevator bank 3B”

It’s also dimly-lit, or possibly just with subdued lighting. Not sure why.

They have an exhibit of Titanic artefacts, regular performances by a hip-hop dance troupe named Jabbwockeez, comedy from Carrot Top, and a show called Fantasy that I’m pretty sure is aimed at the bachelor party market.
There are cafes & frozen yoghurt places & Starbucks & bars & 24/7 convenience stores & an entire foodcourt with multiple options including a McDonalds, plus a buffet with an all-day option that turns out to be a good deal if you eat at least two meals there, and a phenomenal one of you can force it to three.

Faced with this, I wandered into a place that looked like it had people eating, and asked if they were a place I could get dinner. They were, and I did.
Once again, I found myself in a sports bar; The more relaxed dining option at the JW was their High Velocity bar, where many of the tables (those against a wall) had their own TV, with a wide selection of sports channels, and the walls were covered with screens tuned to different channels, most with captioning turned on. This was basically the same thing, but with fewer personal TVs, and a lot more “We’re A Sports Bar!” theming, like servers in what I’m assuming were baseball or football jerseys.
I can’t really tell the difference; There were numbers on the back, and were made out of some sort of mesh fabric?

And that’s me in Las Vegas.

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Monday – Post-Con Breakfast, Expelling The Plague-Ridden From The Land, Overstuffed Suitcases, And See You Next Year

All Dead Inside

There was some form of scheme for meeting SM&F on Monday morning, with the intention of having breakfast together before Steve & Moni had to drive back to the frozen North, a.k.a. Chicago, but it has left no traces on the text message history on my phone, so it’s just possible that we arranged it in person & by speaking directly to each other, like savages.

The plan hit some snags when there were no signs of life in Steve & Moni’s room, and it was only when the hotel desk called up that they were shown to still be alive, if very unwell & trying to sleep it off in Steve’s case.
There’s a chance he got the same thing Stacy did yesterday, which we don’t yet have a fun name for; I’m leaning towards G. Coli, but that’s not as immediately obvious as “H1Nerd1” or “The South Asian Nerd Flu” which hit a convention a few years ago.

Undeterred, Frank & I asked the concierge for a breakfast recommendation, and ended up at Cafe Patachou.

Cafe Patachou - East Nor-East of the Westin, and worth a visit

Cafe Patachou – East Nor-East of the Westin, and worth a visit

They had, among other things, big-ass omelettes of a nice, if hard to finish on account of size, nature, and a coffee dispensary inside with both a mug tower (an example of the contents is seen above) and takeaway options for that last cup.

I do find it interesting to see how different places, and sometimes different servers, deal with the endless coffee refill situation.
Some orbit with a coffee pot, some, like Patachou, have a station & let you do it yourself, and some, like the JW most of the time, put an insulated coffee pot on your table, and let you figure the rest out yourself.
While on that topic; Drink refills of soft drinks was a little surprising, but most welcome. Fry refills at Johnny Rockets was a baffling concept to me.


And You, You Were Acting Like It Was The End Of The Con

Back at the Westin, Steve had recovered, or Moni had re-animated him using dark necromantic arts and the contents of the complementary soaps & shampoos in the bathroom (and if that was the case, well done Moni – Very convincing), so we ambled through the mostly-empty ICC to visit Bee Coffee one last time.
We nattered with the staff, found out a lot about Who’s Yer Con, got a branded D6 for some reason possibly related to them not having given them all away, and us being there, and generally did the ‘winding-down & saying goodbye’ thing.

Walking back through the ICC, where move-in move-out was in full swing, we got to chatting about Big Red Couch business cards & badge ribbons, and Moni had some suggestions concerning the making of very custom cards which I’ll need to follow up on once I’m back in NZ.

Back at the Westin Frank divided up all of the swag he’d been given into keep & give away, with some of the latter going to Steve & Moni, and some just … Actually, I have no clue where it was going.
This did remind me of what I’d seen in a rubbish bin at the JW that morning.

Caffeinated Beverages and Boardgames gutted to save space and weight; Gamer Droppings

Caffeinated Beverages and Boardgames gutted to save space and weight; Gamer Droppings

I didn’t ferret through, but I’m guessing that those are boxes which have been emptied of the contents, boards, etc, to save on volume & weight. I hope it doesn’t come to that with my own luggage, but this this in particular is a heavy-ass space-killer;


If it comes to it, rather than gut the contents, I’m more likely to open the box & store extra things in there


Expelling The Unclean One

Steve & Moni left, successfully and without the need for a CDC quarantine, which was a load off my mind after watching season one of The Strain.

Frank drove them to where they’d left their car, so as to avoid the $40/day valet parking fee, and I wandered back to the JW to pack my bag.
Was not looking forward to that.


Got It Second Time

Having pinched some ice bags from the hotel lobby to put dirty laundry in, so that I could use it as packing material, my first run of suitcase-packing was roughly a half-kilo over; I say roughly because I couldn’t hold the scale steady enough for it to stabilise on a reading.
Run two was just round one with the Dresden Files book taken out & put in carry-on, and that put it nicely under the line.


Closing It Down

Frank came back into town a few hours later, and we grabbed some dinner, chatted, then sat in the bar at the JW & just hung out for a while.
We ended up talking to one of the folks looking to set up high-end experiences at conventions, and apparently their launch/awareness-raising events went well.

I’m still conflicted about that business idea.
Their statement that “You wouldn’t need a con badge at all” makes me wonder what the point of coming to the con would be, and I can’t see the market for the services they were suggesting (someone to go get your Dealer Hall stuff for you, a hot shave, getting Gen Con Exclusives direct from the manufacturer) having that much of a market.
I’m also very uncomfortable with what looks to be a parasitic business model, letting Gen Con bring in folks, then creaming off the top half-percent or so of the cashed-up gamer crowd.

My friend Chris is of the mind that they will have done the numbers well, and are by no means uninformed or naïve, and I hope he’s right, because I can’t see that big a market for this.
Then again, what the hell do I know? I use the VIG programme to ensure that I get a hotel, with Early Access and the VIG Lounge, with it’s chairs & drinks, as medium-range ties for second place.

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Day Four – Decisions In The JW, Swag & Breakfast In The Hyatt, Ambling In The Halls, Food & Socialness In The Ram, Surprises In The Dealer Booths, Ravens In The Westin, Dinner In The Classy Seafood Restaurant

Dealing With The Swag

I had two years worth of VIG Swag to deal with, far more than could be fitted into my suitcase, so a ruthless culling process had to happen.
My first year at Gen Con I brought almost all of the swag home, which required an extra bag, and was a mistake.
This time around, I went with a strict “Can I Use This” system, and it just worked, so I then had to get rid of the unwanted swag; In past years (well, 2013) they’d had a donation bin in the VIG Lounge, but they weren’t doing that this time around.
I figured that I’d drag the extra swag around, let people pick over it, then pile the rest on a table somewhere in the ICC with a “Free To A Good Home” sign on it and walk away.

Fortunately for me, when I met up with Tom, Stacy, and Kevin in the Hyatt for breakfast, Kevin was happy to take on the whole lot, minus the satchel which Stacy wanted. (I’d already grabbed the 2014 satchel, because it was awesome, and has a pocket just the right size for Pangur Ban, my laptop/tablet)

Before hitting the Hyatt, I passed through the VIG Lounge for a coffee, some water, and the very last of the Swag, a card game named “R”, translated from Japanese;

As far as I can tell, this game has nothing to do with pirates

As far as I can tell, this game has nothing to do with pirates


In The Hall, and Out To Lunch

The GM in the “Paging Dr. Dinosaur” game had been using Fate Coins as fate point markers, and they had a nice heft to them, so I bought a couple more sets, because … I have poor sales resistance to shiny things.

Sometime in the hall I met up with the Lewis Family, who were down from Michigan for the day.
I was able to inflict NZ chocolate on them (going to have to remember the NZ chocolate thing for next year), and we caught up briefly, then met a bit later for lunch at The Ram, for a somewhat longer catch-up.

It feels like there should be more written there, but it’s hard to sum up beyond “we had the sort of conversation where you re-establish a friendship after a couple of years, and also eat Nachos”.


Back To The Hall, For A Desperate Last Gasp Of Commerce

Well, it might have been a desperate last gasp of commerce if I’d bought anything, but, …, I didn’t.
This did not, however, mean that I walked away empty-handed; Such is the power of the last hours of the last day.

Almost immediately after saying goodbye to the Lewis’ (How do you pluralise that?), I spotted this;

Did not get a chance to try this, and know nothing about it. Looks like it might be a "Build The Map" game

Did not get a chance to try this, and know nothing about it. Looks like it might be a “Build The Map” game

The poster next to it is for the “Archer” game, but despite having recently discovered that said show now grabs me, … , I’m not sure I want to know how the board game might work.

Sometime in here I found that Tom, Kevin, & Stacy had had to leave suddenly; She’d fallen ill, and they’d had to go.
I’d planned to go find them and say Goodbye, but … Such is life; I’d said a preliminary farewell in the Hall earlier.

I also found this, over towards the Entrepreneurs Area of the hall, and I can’t tell if it’s Strangely Meta, Incredibly Literal, or Both;

Deck Building: The Deck Building Game

Deck Building: The Deck Building Game


Unexpected Things

I decided that, since I had maybe an hour before the Hall closed, I would go to the very back corner, aisle 30 or 31, in an area which hadn’t been opened up the last time I was at Gen Con, and was designated as the Entrepreneur Avenue, where all of the future Wizards of the Coast, TSRs, White Wolves, and Fantasy Flights were hanging out.

Somewhere along the line I’d heard that there were three New Zealanders at Gen Con; One of them I’m pretty sure of, another was Norman, but I had no idea who number three was until I found a booth with a little tray of NZ snacks (so I’m not the only one to think of that, though I didn’t consider the Cookie Time range) with an invitation to try them.
I enquired, and after an initial bout of confusion over whether I was asking about the snacks or the product, I was told that NZer number three was this guy, who wasn’t there at the moment;

I've not yet checked out the product/service, so you now know as much as I do

I’ve not yet checked out the product/service, so you now know as much as I do

The booth seemed to be one of those shared-booth sort of things (like the one in which I saw Flatpack a couple of years ago, but without the Angel Of Death sitting at the back poisoning everyone’s sales), and the guy I’d been talking to (Tom) did a very quick demo of his game, Pics & Circumstance.

It’s similar in play, I’m told, to Cards Against Humanity, and involves one player relaying the whim of the Glorious Leader by playing a card, and the other playing pictures to represent their solution to the problem, then justifying it.
I feel that my suggestion of Tanks & Landmines as a way to make golf more interesting indicates that I have understood the concept, and the game designer did not seem displeased by my approach. In fact, he said “You’re gonna be great at this”, but he was trying to sell me on a game.

They have a kickstarter on the go right now, which I’m linking here; Pics and Circumstance, by Tom and Pete Games

They have a kickstarter, and a somewhat un-nerving logo

They have a kickstarter, and a somewhat un-nerving logo

In a thoroughly unexpected event, he gave me one of the Demo decks, and offered me another if I promised to get it into the hands of someone who’d play it a lot. I declined, because I couldn’t promise that, but I did promise to get various game-playing types to, as it were, give it a crack.

Pics & Circumstance Demo Deck

Pics & Circumstance Demo Deck


On the way out of the hall, I passed by a booth selling miniatures-painting supplies, specifically paintbrushes; I’d seen some advertising for these as part of the lead-up to Gen Con, but hadn’t paid much attention at the time, so I stopped to take a look, and ended up talking to one of the folks behind the counter, who turned out to be the product creator/designer.

Games and Gears

Games and Gears

Chatted with him for a little while about how the con had been (He arrived with 4 suitcases full of stock, and was down to half a case), and about a silicone-tipped brush, which it turns out is good for fine linework because it won’t splay on contact & won’t take up a lot of paint, so it’s just what’s on the surface.
Add to that the fact that the brushes were set up to be travel brushes, so the end of the brush came off and was a cover, and I was very impressed, and told him so.

So he gave me one.

Brush deployed, and ready to be used

Brush deployed, and ready to be used

Brush in Travel Mode - There is a little vent hole in the cap

Brush in Travel Mode – There is a little vent hole in the cap


Quoth The Raven, Take A Nap

With the closing of the Hall, I ambled back to my room, put away the surprise swag, and took a nap. It was everything I thought it could be.

Some time later I got a text about plans for the evening, so ambled over to the Westin, where Steve, Frank, & Moni were playing Nevermore, a card game involving Ravens, though not eyeballs, which is sad for the ravens.
It was interesting, though tricky to summarise, as Steve demonstrated while trying to explain the rules; Works better, it seems, to just plow right in and sort it out as you go.

I did take Pics & Circumstance, but Nevermore was already set up, and it has a lot of bits.
Plus there were SEKRIT PLANS for the evening, involving dinner at a fancy-ass seafood restaurant for Moni’s Birthday.

The restaurant was the seafood equivalent of a high-end steakhouse, and had things like oysters, & fish I’d never heard of.
Not being much of a seafood fan, … It was OK. Wasn’t blown away by my meal, but everyone else seemed to be enjoying theirs, and being able to try Key Lime Pie for dessert definitely kicked things back into the ‘enjoyable’ category.

Steve was feeling increasingly unwell over the course of the evening, which made me wonder about the wisdom of having a dozen chunks of snot on the half-shell oysters, and by the end was looking bad enough that Frank fetched his car and gave him a ride back to his hotel.

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Day Three – Scouting Locations For The Beige Chupacabra, Trailing Cthulhu, and Paging Doctor Dinosaur

Hickman’s Killer Breakfast

This is an event where Tracy Hickman kills the entire audience in a two-hour improv exercise, where the only thing that’ll keep you alive is being entertaining or a technical problem. Or both in our case.
By chance, Frank & I had come up with a riff on people scouting for locations for pub/inn franchises, he for the Prancing Pony, and me for the Beige Chupacabra. This tied in nicely with the wholesale destruction that had happened with some previous people, and also with a Dalek fixated on renovation while the rest of the Daleks concentrated on destruction, so we could riff on cheap land just crying out for development.

We still didn’t last long.


Trail of Cthulhu

I’d thought at first that this was a western, based on the name, but when it came time to choose events, back in May, I looked it up and found that it’s an investigation game.

We had a good group (only four players), and were investigating the theft of the 200-year-old diary of a necromancer.
Of course someone had used it, of course there were ghouls, and of course we ran away. We just did it after grabbing the book.

The system is, as I understand it, based on Gumshoe, and I went to have a look at the book a bit later in the day.
It’s interesting, and I think I understand the basic idea, but I’d want to learn some more, and the book wasn’t $40 + sales tax worth of interesting. It’s probably ‘get the PDF’ interesting though.


Admin, of a sort, and the visiting Dealer Hall for only the second time

I had a ticket for a Fate Accelerated game on Sunday, but by mid-Saturday I was starting to feel like I’d been racing around the entire time. I hadn’t, but that’s what it felt like. I decided that I wanted a day without events, or at least scheduled events, so I refunded the ticket to clear the last day of Gen Con.
This turned out to be a good idea.

While on my way to the Dealer Hall (for only the second time – I’d been there for maybe an hour during VIG Early Access, minus the time taken for the long-ass line to file in, plus the time taken to let the Nerdrush in so that the doors were clear enough to get out) I passed by Norman in the hallways.
There’s no great story here, other than “Hey, I Saw Norman”.

In the hall, I spotted & visited the Pinnacle Entertainment booth, probably after visiting the … I’ve forgotten the company, but they publish Trail of Cthulhu.
Anyway, I asked one of the staffers whether the Explorers Edition had the same content as the Big Hardback Edition, and they confirmed that it did. It’s cheaper, which is no bad thing, but what I was mostly after was smaller. I decided to buy it, and the staffer checked my name, then opened & signed the book, as he was the one who wrote it.
Thus, I got to briefly chat with Shane Hensley, who also wrote the Deadlands system, which I had some fun running many years ago, and is what Savage Worlds developed out of, and thank h, im for writing it. My own little fanboy moment.


Paging Dr. Dinosaur

I made this comment somewhere, so I’m repeating it;

“It was by far the best event of the Con, and a perfect one to end on. Fantastic group, fantastic GM, stupid dinosaur.”

At the end of this, I have a much better idea of how to make this game work. It started with an incongruous event, we had a brainstorm about it, and all of the time-travelling Soviets from a secret Mars base, present & future Doctors Dinosaur, the Futuresaurus Rex, and massive property damage all spun out from that.

Going into more exhaustive detail, the game started with Soviet operatives in 50’s spacesuits with bubble helmets, wielding psychic powers, attacking Tesla Island.
(I arrived last, so got to play Atomic Robo, because nobody else wanted to)
After an initial fraças, they vanished, and we then used the Brainstorm mechanic of the system to work out, because we are all top-notch Action Scientists, what had happened/was happening. A heavily armed visit to Dr. Dinosaur’s lair to try to persuade him to help, if only to stop other people from using his advanced crystal technology, ended with the realisation that time-travel was possible, and that we’d just confirmed it for him, at which point Future Dr. Dinosaur appeared with the Soviet Psychics & attacked.

Defeated him & them by erasing the whiteboard with the working formula on it (they all vanished), and then set a trap to catch Future Dr. Dinosaur, who turned up as expected, but with a surprise Armoured & Be-Weaponed T-Rex, which promptly stomped me/Robo through the floor, so I spent the rest of the fight attacking said Futuresaurus from the floor below. This included standing on a desk holding it’s ankle to pivot the creature to a prone position, and jumping from desk to desk to office chair in an attempt to keep it that way, at least until the floor(s) collapsed and buried me.

This being ARRPG/Fate, being buried doesn’t actually stop you from helping, or at least spending Fate Points on other PCs and helping out in other ways (BEHOLD OUR MAMMALIAN SUPERIORITY!!), and by the time the coup de grace was set up, the player who’d gone racing off to find a freezing unit (we couldn’t kill present Dr. Dinosaur, because the presence of his future self proved that it wouldn’t work, and for some reason we decided that putting future Dr. Dinosaur on ice was a good idea. I’m not sure why) had +19 before spending a point.
He was successful.

Having played in that session, where the players all clicked as a group, riffed on and supported each other’s ‘bits’, has given me a much better idea of how to run this game, & what I did wrong before.
I should have left things more unplanned, shouldn’t have pinned down the whole backstory/plot, and let/forced the players to investigate & decide upon what is happening.
Looking forward to trying that.



Atomic Robo ran 8pm-Midnight, so I wandered back to the JW & grabbed a very late dinner.
Frank texted me sometime during this, and wandered over to hang out over dinner. He’d not planned to eat anything, but then tried a cheese fry, and then wanted some of his own.

This is kind of how things go at Gen Con, for me at least, and it’s why I want to learn enough Ruby on Rails to make a way to make finding people easier. Texting folks works OK, whether it’s “Are You Still Awake, And Interested In Hanging Out?”, “I Just Finished A Game; Anyone Want To Get Lunch?”, or even “My Event Finishes At 5pm, Anyone Want To Get Dinner Sometime After That?”, but something where you could see what people were doing, and what they’ll be doing in a little while, at a glance & all at once, would be a useful thing.
Well, useful to me, at least.

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Day Two – Strange Devices, Strange Planets, and Strange Chocolate

The initial plan was to do a post every day.
Clearly, this did not survive second contact with the enemy Gen Con, but I did keep notes, so here’s me turning them into something more readable.



Late on Thursday night, the idea of getting breakfast was suggested by Frank, when I passed by He & Steve & Moni (amd probably Mac) playing a game on a big touch-screen game table in the JW lobby.
This seemed like a fine plan, so we met in the lobby a bit after 8, waited a bit for a table, and had a lot of breakfast.

My first game of the day was an Atomic Robo RPG, run by Mike Olson.
When I showed up, I thought I was the last one there, but it turns out that all of the other players were folks with generics who were hoping that there would be cancellations; I was the first actual ticket-holder to show.
(The way it works at Gen Con is that you can buy a ticket to a specific event at a specific time, or you can buy a Generic ticket, good for any event at any time. Specific trumps Generic, but if a player doesn’t turn up, or turns up too late, you can get in)
Me being the last to arrive gave the Generic-holders hope that maybe, somehow, four people with actual tickets weren’t going to show.
False hope, as it happens; They arrived as a group of four, and I saw the same group at later games, which makes me assume they were doing most of their games together. Don’t 100% understand that approach myself, though if they’re friends who don’t have a regular group and this is their chance to play together, maybe that makes sense?

Odin Ortega, of Majestic 12's  Paranormal Sensory Initiative

Odin Ortega, of Majestic 12’s Paranormal Sensory Initiative

The game was a Majestic 12 game using ARRPG, so “Shadowy Government Agency Trying To Keep Weird Tesliana Under Wraps” was the order of the day.
I get the idea that there’s a sourcebook or expansion in the works, as there were some new systems in play at the start of the game, one of which utterly baffled me;
After the initial “here’s the problem”, there was a thing involving intel which had come to light which will complicate things, and for some reason I was just not getting the idea, so the GM was bouncing back all of my suggestions, which made me kind of concerned as to what the next 4 hours were going to be like. Fortunately, another player had a suggestion which did work (Guarded By Somali Pirates – One of the others was Lava Moat, which was interesting given that the target was a freighter), and things improved when we got to the requisitioning of special equipment, and how other people help to make that happen. (We ‘borrowed’ a wildly experimental mood destabiliser from Delphi, an offshoot of the Soviet Psychic Warfare programme, by posing as third parties willing to test & report back on the device)
Once in-game, things went fine. System worked, game was fun, mood destabiliser was used to attack the pilots of a remote-operated combat bot, who promptly got affected by insatiable greed, ignored us, and looted the freighter. (We’d been suggesting random emotions, but the GM wisely discarded many of them; “Lust” would have been entertainingly awful)


Next up was a QAGS game, run by the very entertaining Josh, of the Monkeys Took My Jetpack and Porcelain Llama Theatre podcasts, and indeed of Hex Games, who publish QAGS.
One player, sadly sitting right beside me, had no inside voice, and chose to portray his character by speaking even louder & dropping semi-random comments into the conversation/game. It got old fast, and I suspect it wasn’t just me who thought that, based on the number of times he’d say something over the top of everyone, there’d be a pause, and then folks would just carry on where they left off. He’d randomly rolled the character’s gender, got ‘female’, and then periodically proclaimed that he was androgynous for the rest of the game.

Aside from Ensign Shoutypants, and that only some of the time, it was a good fun game.
In grand 50’s Cold War Sci-Fi style, we travelled to the mysterious planet directly on the other side of the sun from Earth, to see what had happened to the first expedition, and crashed, just like they did. We battled strange creatures, rescued the disembodied still-alive head-in-a-jar which was all that was left of the previous mission’s scientist, infiltrated the citadel of newly-Communist War Apes,  and destroyed the strange Vril-powered device the Soviets were using to transport themselves here.
In a moment that I found amusing, the NZer was the one who spent a yum-yum to ensure that we’d saved the American flag from the crashed ship. Where Is Your Patriotism, American Gamers?!

I’d dragged along a bag of the Whittaker’s L&P chocolate, so offered it around, and people seemed to like it, including the GM; Got an extra yum-yum out of that, and gave him some for the road.

Post-gaming, I caught up with Tom, Stacy, & Tom’s friend Kevin, and we wandered out to a pizzeria/bar for dinner, followed by ambling back to the hotel to natter about things. Also, they tried strange New Zealand Chocolate;

Kevin, Tom, & Stacy try a crunchie bar

Kevin, Tom, & Stacy try a crunchie bar

So far, NZ chocolate is going down well as an experience.
The pineapple lumps and L&P chocolate rated highest on the “what the hell is this?” scale; There are, it seems, things a bit similar to the crunchie bar out there.
Incidentally, does anyone know how they make the Hokey-Pokey stuff? I’m guessing it involves a mass of hot honey-based mixture, and something in the bicarbonate of soda line, or something similar, to foam it up.

And, because it’s an icon of … something … New Zealand Confection Advertising Nostalgia maybe? … Here’s a very grainy version of a classic NZ Advert; Crunchie Bar Train Robbery

Found a better version: Crunchie Bar Train Robbery