My first Gen Con, back in 2012, was done very much as a ‘trip of a lifetime’ thing, under the assumption that I’d only do this thing once.
As it turned out, it was rather more fun than I’d anticipated, and indeed, I enjoyed it more than the Chicago WorldCon which followed it.
(though that may have been due to said WorldCon being on the far end of nearly a month of travel; I can’t be sure that it was “Craig is over WorldCon/Conventions”, and not “Craig is getting sick of these goddamned hotels & traveling”)
Thus, this year’s trip happened, and a part of this trip was the question, “Is This Still Fun, And Do I Want To Do It Again?”
I think the answer is ‘Yes’.
It is still fun, I do want to do it again, and I’m going to make plans based on that.
Next year I’m going to WorldCon in London, which completely clashes with GenCon, but I’ll be back at GenCon in 2015, regardless of where the 2015 WorldCon ends up being.
The only location of the three bids which really grabs me is Helsinki, but while there is a three-day gap between the two, making it possible to attend both, it would be kind of insane to try to do that & expect to enjoy yourself