Indianapolis Zoo

It was a scorchingly hot day, and I went to the zoo.
Where one or two of the animals seemed to have melted.

There were some things I didn’t photograph, such as the shark-petting tank, where I was too distracted by seeing them swimming around right in front of me to take a picture.
I didn’t end up petting one; Turns out my desire to not disturb the critter is greater than my desire to pet a shark.

The glass walled & roofed room inside the dolphin tank I didn’t photograph because … well, a cellphone camera wouldn’t show a damn thing. It was fun, though rather reminiscent of the undersea lab in Jaws 3, and I don’t remember that working out so well for anyone.
Near as I could tell, the room was surrounded by water, with just the entrance & outrance tubes connecting it to the dry parts of the world.
Tank was kind of bare, but it may have been the staging area for the Dolphin Show, and not the ‘habitat’.

There’s a tiger in here somewhere. I remember it.



Melted bear.



Suspicious … Lemur?
yep; Red Ruffed Lemur



Mobile Lawn Ornaments!
And Ducks.



Lioness, enjoying the shade & breeze.



Melted Meercat.



Cheetahs, who seemed less concerned about the heat, but weren’t keen on being photographed.





Unlike these birds, who arranged themselves photogenically.



And a melted Red Panda.


The zoo also has the Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center, with multiple linked enclosures, an open-air rope bridge system accessible from said enclosures which doesn’t provide access to the outside world, and a bunch of stuff which you’d hope the residents find interesting. This day, they found not being in the heat & the sun interesting, and I can’t blame them.