
Most of the Detroit content, to be honest, is in the Henry Ford post.
What’s in here are a few photos and some things I noticed.

On the way back from The Henry Ford, we stopped in at Atwater in the Park, a craft brewery in a former church.
I had a cider, though, in deference to it being Detroit, it was their ‘Detroit’ cider.



Sitting on a shelf in among the games was something I recognised, and have actually played; For the record, that is my arm, and not a leg or something.



The process of leaving Detroit involved not leaving from Detroit, but rather from Dearborn.
One of the folks who very kindly drove to Kalamazoo to meet me, arranged housing while there, and took me back to stay at their house, also got up at Oh Dear God in the morning to take me to the train station near their work; Dearborn.

The station, which is new, is rather nice; They’re going for a design that reminds you of classic stations, with the arches & stonework.



And because it wouldn’t be a post about Detroit without mentioning it; Yes, there were places where one side of the road looked like a different city than the other.
In at least one case it’s because it actually is a different city, but it’s sort of jarring to see.

Other parts of the city put me in mind of, oddly, Taumarunui in 2004, when I was there for a job interview.
You had immaculately maintained places next to houses which were only held up by the paint, and this had the same vibe, with the amplitude turned up until the knob fell off.

I took no pictures, partly because we were in a car, but mostly because there enough pictures out there of Detroit for “City Falling Apart” stories.
Something I wish I’d had the camera ready for were community get-togethers we saw; Clusters of those pop-up gazebo things & people trying to get a … something … happening.