Chicago II – Snoozing Back Into Town

The thing about getting on a train when it’s still dark, having gotten up at Oh Dear God AM, is that you tend to hit your seat & sleep. Or at least I do.

I did find that the overhead racks, on this train at least, were big enough to hold Big Red with ease, which simplified things enormously.

I also found that it’s possible to doze off partway through using the Facebook app on your phone, and wake up to find it finishing the transition into French Language.
Didn’t expect that.



Back at the Freehand Hostel, in a lower bunk this time.
They’re marginally easier to get into, but still not that dignified.
Not sure whether it was just this bunk, but the ‘roof’ was decorated with pages from a road atlas, which was fun.




I didn’t get up to much in the few days I was here before my train to Seattle.
I mean, I’m sure I did something, but I’m not sure what it was. I’ll check the paper diary, and see whether it was anything worth mentioning. It could have been something as dull as ‘enjoying non-muggy weather’, which was fun at the time, but not exactly travel-blog worthy.

Had a couple of roommates; Dale, who was here for a Cubs game or two, and was having what looked like a hell of a good time, and probably John from Germany, an exchange student who was seeing a bit more of the US before heading back home.

Not sure whether this photo came out all that well, but there was low-lying cloud obscuring buildings, which was quite fun.
