Forgot to include a picture of the send-off party of K-T & The Dread Pirate Tamsin, so here it is, in glorious cellphone-camera-o-vision.
Trust me, they’re in there somewhere.
There was an actually funny TSA chap at the American Airlines terminal, putting across “this is what you need to do” in a relaxed ‘shall we all just get this done’ way, which was nice.
Even the guy who did a contact search of my back after the scan-o-tron was polite, and gave me some warning.
My hair sets off the body scanners as an item of unexpected density. Last year, at San Francisco, the scanner flagged the hair-tie specifically, and the place where I’d sewn up my jeans because they’d worn through. This time it was just the whole neck & upper spine.
Oddly, the tiny bits of metal in my knee never set anything off. Too small, maybe?
Roughly 4.5 hours to go until the flight to Chicago.