Day Three – I Don’t Have A Tag-Line For This One

Woke up earlier than I’d like, sadly, and thus Wednesday changed from being an afternoon of tourist stuff into being a day where I picked up my badge & con books, then sort of chillaxed for the rest of the day.



Fran gave me a lift home mid-morning, and I picked up the con stuff a bit after that. Lunch was a couple of surprisingly good sandwiches from Tesco. (Or is it Tescoes? Must check)

I did spot a few people I knew, including Maree from NZ, who was trying to find out where to deliver, or at least stash, a large number of cans of L&P and every meringue they could lay their hands on.
I did get told that they were for the NZ in 2020 bid party, and that I’d be helping, but the conversation moved on before a “Nope; Not gonna happen” could be delivered.
Bid Table in the ‘Fan Village’? Absolutely.
Misc. volunteering for the Con. No trouble, unless you count my complete inability to contact, or be contacted by, anyone who could tell me anything about things I might be willing and able to do. (In the absence of such information, I’ve just been being generally helpful, mostly by telling people where to go. 3:) )
Bid Party, late at night, involving lots of people in a noise & chatter filled environment where I’ll not be able to hear one word in ten? Think I’ll pass. 🙂


Along the way, I took some pictures of the site for Lon Con. To be honest, I’m hazy as to the when of these images, so I’ve made my best guess.

Looking down into the badge pick-up area.
From the look of the crowds, or lack thereof, I’m guessing that this was taken just after I picked up my badge, the day before the con.




View of the western end of the ExCeL Centre, closest to my hotel.
If I’m right, I would have been standing at the end of the street the hotel was on, at about the point where I was asked for directions to the train a few days ago.
I’m still confident that my “Go until you hit that building, turn left” directions were correct.
The cranes, incidentally, are not real. Thought they were, at first, but a closer look revealed their insidious post-modernism; They’re only there as art pieces, because docks should have cranes.
Not real cranes, just things that look enough like them for a nice view.



View from outside the ExCeL Centre, looking back towards the hotel.
I suspect this photo was taken on a walk to the centre, the more I look at it, as I suspect the white-clad figure with the bag in this shot is the same one who’s in the previous shot, having been overtaken by me on the trudge across the plaza.





This was just a blatant Danger Mouse opportunity; I could not pass it up.
