LonCon 3.3 – Spacewrecks, The Destruction Of London, Cinematic Trash, & Dog-Face Joe

Remembering the Terran Trade Authority
For those who don’t know; TTA
I have a very second-hand copy of one of these, bought out of nostalgia, and I’d definitely pick up a couple of the others were they to become available.
This was a fantastic panel, described by the moderator as a tribute to Stewart Cowley, the editor/assembler/writer of the things, with Mr. Cowley and three of the contributing artists as panellists.

The whole TTA thing came out of wondering what happened to the images used on book covers, & noticing that there’s a coherent look to many of them. Cowley, despite having a contract forbidding him from actually writing, couldn’t find a writer who got the idea, so wrote the text himself. This came out when they wanted another book, but after the first one sold 800,000 copies, what were they going to do about it?

The Destruction Of London
I skipped out early on this, as it was basically a talk about six posters I’d already read, by the guy who’d made them, in the (noisy) exhibit/dealer hall. Sadly, the presenter didn’t have a good handle on projection, and every third word was “Ummm”.

Truth in Trash
Is there such a thing as Trash cinema or TV?
Not sure that a conclusion was reached, but a lot of fun was had, and there were some suggestions of things to watch, such as Supernatural, the Sabrina the Teenage Witch live-action series, Vampire Academy, & The Ghost Goes Gear.

Tim Powers’ The Anubis Gates – World Premiere
A stage play of a very complicated story. They went with a minimalist set & combined chorus/stage ninja/bit-part troupe, plus some big screens to capture the parts of the story happening in the aisles, or at the back.
I’d read the book, so I could follow the story; From what the people around me were saying on the way out, it was baffling to those who hadn’t.
Also long.
A shade under three hours long.