You’re Not Going To San Francisco Looking Like That … Tidy Yourself Up A Bit

The hostel I’m staying at is in Fort Mason, so it’s all historic.
Also uphill.


I remember the hill from cycling around SF in 2012; It’s the one where I had to stop because I couldn’t stay upright due to crowd-induced slowness, and got an aggrieved cry of “Don’t Stop!” from the cyclist behind me.
Don’t know what they were complaining about, they only had to push a regular bike. I was pushing an e-bike, so it was heavier.

I don’t remember the domed thing from last time, though it may have been blocked by people or outraged cyclists.
Looks bloody huge.


I got to the hostel wildly too early, but they let me store my bag so that I could go for a wander.
For those who’re curious, here’s a link to the HI San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf.

Lke I said, it’s a bit historical-looking.


And it’s at the top of a hill, at pretty much the end of the headland, so the view is good.



This part of the view is where it all went wrong, …


… because if we zoom in on that banner, …


… we’ll see this.


Only bought two books, and they gave me a $1 off voucher on my way in, so total spend was $3.



Outside there’s this.
I’m assuming it was a case of an oncoming storm,  high tide, and no better option than to beach her in the retaining wall.


I’m interpreting this as;

In the event of a Tsunami, everyone has to get out of my way.
