When You’re Eating At The Slug & Lettuce, Are You Allowed To Complain About The Salad?

I slept in today, and it was awesome.

The one thing I ‘needed’ to get done today was picking up my train tickets for the trip to Dublin & back.
Promptly got onto the wrong DLR train, so ended up going to Euston Station via Stratford. Given the idiotic degree of interconnectedness of the London Underground, this wasn’t really much of a problem.
As a thought, how would you measure interconnectedness? Number of stations you can get to without changing trains?
The wee ticket contraption took a few goes at reading my card for ID purposes, but eventually spewed out a number of little cards for me.

From there it was a quick trip down to Leicester Square station, partially because it’s in the vicinity of a couple of bookstores, but mostly so that I could stand on the platform for the Piccadilly Line & hear the announcer say ‘Cockfosters’.

Don’t You Judge Me.

The Orcs Nest is tiny & filled to the gills with stuff, and pretty easy to find when you have more prepaid cellular data than you know what to do with. A return to Forbidden Planet (as last time, the bookstore, not the planet. I couldn’t go to the planet, for obvious reasons) netted me a couple more books, as I’m getting close to the end of Side Jobs, and have a full day of travel ahead.

I did investigate the options at the London Eye, but the prospect of a half-hour queue on not entirely healed feet did not appeal. Think I’ll save that for an early morning between Dublin & Zurich.

Something I’ve not mentioned previously is that most of the food options at the ExCeL centre, and near my hotel, are a bit meh.
Not bad, just … Meh.
Turns out that the good restaurants are hiding on the other side of the river, in the O2, so I had lunch at Slug & Lettuce, which was everything I’d hoped it would be.

Plans for the rest of the day involve packing my bag for an early departure, pre-paying my hotel bill to make that a bit easier, and generally taking a bit of a light day.

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Well, all of that happened without incident.
The guy at the desk turned out to be something of a Star Wars fan, and had had no idea that conventions happened in the UK/Europe, so I told him about the wandering nature of WorldCons & EuroCons. He’d spent time in Ireland & had loved the place, and asked me to give them his regards; “The Polish guy at the Ibis Docklands says ‘Hi’.”
I looked up where the next few EuroCons were, but didn’t get a chance to tell him, which is a shame; Next year is St. Petersburg, and 2016 is either Barcelona or Wrocław, Poland.

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