From His Giant Billboard On Fisherman’s Wharf Tommy Wiseau Watches You Over Giant Trousers

I have actual content, but Wiseauthulhu here demands special placement.

The rest of the post is normal, I assure you


I lied.

I, for one, welcome our new herbaceous crustacean overlords.


There are bollards a considerable distance from the water.
Maybe they’re decorative.
Maybe they run very long mooring lines.
Or maybe something which sails on unconventional seas sometimes visits San Francisco.




I didn’t do this tour, but it looks interesting.



The tour I did do was a boat trip out upon the bay, and to kill some time before said boat trip, I wandered along the amazingly touristy Pier 39, where I spotted this little … let’s call it a ‘gem’.


I note they do family coats of arms there, and I’m hoping that they’re presented seriously but in truth are utter bollocks.