El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

Not sure that I specifically took a picture, but somewhere along the line I’ll have looked at the Pacific Ocean, probably during the Christchurch to Wellington portion of the trip.

This is what it looks like from the other side.


And from the end of Santa Monica Pier, once you work your way through the crowds & the folks who’d like to sell you things, it looks like this.


The crowds were actually pretty non-existent; It was mostly folks strolling along trying to eat ice-creams before they evaporated.

And this sea lion. 


Like I said, crowds not too bad.
It was, after all, mid-afternoon on a week day, so presumably people were off working or something.
You know, employed-people stuff.


The Hortisaurs of Santa Monica.



I was only in LA for two nights – Catching up with Andrei, then catching a train.

The hostel is in a historic building, which … has been the case for all of the HI hostels I’ve stayed at in the USA, come to think of it. Surprisingly good free breakfast, and very surprisingly well-organised, though that may have a lot to do with the space available to them.

The weather was hot. Damn hot.

There was a fan in room 307.
It helped a little, if you were directly in the path, as my bunk was.
For the rest of the residents of Sauna 307, not so much.

Interestingly, the building had a central courtyard, shadowed by the buildings above, which was pleasantly cool, and any space which wasn’t on an outside wall was quite nice on the temperature stakes.
Just not the dorms.


So be it, it was only two nights, and with a shower in the room it was possible to cool down immediately before sleep.