The City That Never Sleeps – Day One


Turns out I was way off in my guess as to when the case would be delivered; Got picked up from the airline at 8pm, assigned to a driver at 11pm, and delivered, by ‘Matt’, at 12:31 am.
The hotel, mercifully, elected not to call and wake me, so I checked to online tracker while involuntarily awake this morning at Oh Dear God a.m., wandered down & collected it from reception.

I guess now’s the time to open it?


Yep; All the important stuff is there.
not sure why I only packed three FATE dice though


4 responses to “The City That Never Sleeps – Day One”

  1. Three Fate Dice?

    That’s… huh.


    Upside: Clothes and everything else! Whoo!

    We have stinking colds and have swollen shut. The hounds of mucous ride. Send help.

  2. I found the fourth die; It had hidden in the main body of the suitcase, and was therefore invisible until I unpacked.

    Sorry to hear of the Hounds Of Mucus; I’m dealing with the Occasional Puppy Of Mucus over here, which isn’t helped by 30-degree heat & a certain … humidity to the air. Phlegm-Puppy wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the jetlag, I’m thinking, but the combination is kind of draining.

  3. Also, it looks like Mike Olsen is involved in some Evil Hat stuff unfolding at GenCon that might be of note. I figure the games are out – although there is a note that he’s running at least one Atomic Robo game in Games On Demand – but the panel might also be Of Interest To Craigs.

  4. Yeah, I saw the State Of The Hat panel announcement. I think I’m free at that time, but I’ll have to check.