The Cardinal

Train leaves Indy at 6am.
Which sucks.


I packed my bags on Sunday night, post-gaming, and got to bed at maybe 1am.
Had an early alarm set, and for some reason 3am was the time I’d decided made sense.


It did allow me to have a shower and check carefully to make sure I’d not missed anything.
Didn’t find anything of mine, but I did find a pair of glasses under the couch and an item of clothing under the foot of the bed. The glasses I can understand, but the clothing, in a space the depth of my foot from toes to ankle, suggests that the cleaners didn’t vacuum there, which … could be better.

Hung out in the hotel lobby for a while before taking a taxi to the station.
I could easily walk it, but in the early morning … the underpass looks a little too ‘Crime Alley’ for me, even if it’s more likely to be “Dodge the sleeping homeless folks and try to ignore the smell of urine Alley” in reality.

There was a (possibly) homeless or drunk, or maybe just tired and sick of being outside, guy who’d somehow made it into the lobby, and was attempting to not leave by not answering questions, mumbling, and then flat-out disregarding instructions to leave while agreeing with the sentiment that he had to.
I think it was the final masterstroke of covering his ears and ignoring everything which prompted the eventual arrival of a pair of police officers, who firmly but kindly escorted him out of the lobby & on his way, with instructions not to try it anywhere else.
think I saw him outside the Amtrak/Greyhound station.

The train was running maybe an hour late, so I sat there and tried not to fall asleep, and looked at the view.


Dozed a lot on the train, but kept leaning into the aisle in my sleep and waking up because of the feeling of keeling over, so, not the greatest sleep of all time.

Once I got to the hotel, which was a relatively simple matter of hopping a train to the airport, then calling the hotel to ask where their shuttle bus stopped (directly outside the door I was standing beside, as it turned out), and then picking out the bus from the sea of hotel & parking & other shuttles when it next came around.

And then, when I got to my room, falling asleep for four hours.


And as a side note.

Through the reading of forums and articles and the like about Vandwelling, a thing which comes up a lot is how to make the vehicle blend into an urban or suburban environment, so that you can just park up and sleep somewhere without being disturbed.
Ideally without being noticed.

Some folks go for nondescript, some make the vehicle look a bit like a tradesman’s vehicle … you get the idea.

While waiting for the shuttle I found myself wondering whether a shuttlebus would blend into a city environment.
Maybe not a hotel or airport shuttle, but if the thing looked like a charter-able vehicle?
I only wonder because those things have a tonne of space in them, though headroom can be an issue, now that I think about it.