Iceland Day Two – Where does this road go?

The plan had been to get an early start and … well, that didn’t entirely happen.
It was earlier than yesterday, so that’s a good thing.

On the early start front, the guy from San Francisco had an unpleasantly early flight, which meant he was up and moving and trying to be quiet at 4am or so. Or maybe 3am.
Nobody’s 100% sure.

One of the things I’m enjoying about not having made specific plans for the location is that I’m not tied down, so when I ended up chatting to someone from Canberra & someone from Hamilton, Ontario, it wasn’t interfering with any existing plans.
I do intend to do some of the tours, the Golden Circle at least, but there’s time to book those.
Also, I think I need to get a waterproof layer first, at least a jacket of some sort; Warm is covered, Wet … not so much.

Eventually I wandered out into Reykjavik and adopted a process of wandering down interesting roads until they got less interesting. This took me, in the fullness of time, to the waterfront, where I started playing with panorama mode again.

In my defense, look at what it did to that black car.

There are a fair number of monuments in the city, though this is the only one I photographed today.
I do want to go back and take a shot of a monument to public protest in Asturvöllur, because I think it’s the first time I’ve seen such a thing.

I actually engaged in commerce today, in that I bought some stuff from a local market to supplement the enormous amount of pasta in the free boxes. Did have to apologise for not speaking any Icelandic, which lead to a fun conversation with the shopkeeper and some guy who was just hanging around; Could have been the neighborhood nutter, could have been a store worker on a smoke break. Not sure.

Made a food, chatted to someone from the Netherlands who’d just rolled into town after driving the ring-road in faster time than she’d expected (the weather was a bit crap, which greatly reduced the urge to get out of the car).

The latest room-mate is from Canada, and is a deckhand on the ferries. Maybe Toronto?
French room-mate returned from a day-tip to do the Golden Circle, and seemed to enjoy the hell out of it, so that’s encouraging.