Today’s big thing was visiting this place,
It was a pretty slow start to the morning, and I spent a bunch of it sitting in the lobby on the comfy chairs, trying to summon the will to go out into the outside world.
It’s not a bad walk to the Guinness Storehouse; Goes past some interesting buildings.
The tour … Well, it’s a tour of a showcase about a brewery, so you’ve got the 9000 year lease document, various things on brewing where a video of the brewer follows you around on video screens, explaining the process, that sort of thing.
Creepily, they claim that the fifth ingredient of Guinness is Arthur Guinness, which makes me want to know exactly where he’s buried
There was a tasting session, where the recommended drinking technique managed to make the aftertaste linger for the rest of the tour. Impressive, but not all that welcome, to be honest.
Part of the ticket price was a pint at the bar at the end of the tour, or at the Learn To Draw A Pint room, both of which I declined, as it seemed a waste to draw a pint I had no interest in drinking.
Still, a pleasant hour or so.
It started drizzling on the walk back, then pissed down once I was clear of the area where I could catch a bus easily. I’m chalking that one up to the Authentic Dublin Experience, though I could have done without the traffic lights with ludicrously long phasing, so that you’re spending more time standing in the rain than actually moving.
Some seem deliberately rigged to need two phases to cross a road, leaving stranded in a little pedestrian corral in the centre; A bit odd in fine weather, but kind of very annoying in the wet.
The afternoon/evening was spent packing (quite a lot of my bag is dirty laundry at this point), paying the bill to make tomorrow’s early departure a bit easier, and watching a bit of TV. (The continuing adventures of Royal Marine Commando recruits, plus the second Scottish Independence debate, which got … heated)