Iceland Day Four, Part One – Rain, Boats, Ranting, And Icelandic Graffiti

First, a picture of the wee courtyard where the kitchen lives.


The block that the hostel is on is built hollow, or at least this bit of it is. No idea if that’s a common thing here, though I’ve seen other openings in buildings, so … probably?
In any case, that’s the next street up visible through that passageway, and the red building is the hostel kitchen.

And then I took this to be all arty.


Headed off in a different direction, along a slightly different part of the waterfront, to see what was there.
At this point I’d like to point out that the weather was pretty mild, so I went with the grey hoodie.




Had another go at a panorama.


I have no idea what this is, but it looks interesting.


And this looks VERY interesting.


The wanderings took me to the harbour on the other side of a peninsula inhabited mainly by storage tanks, where they keep a different view.


It’s also where my hoodie plan ran into changeable Reykjavik weather, and it started to rain.
Did manage to photograph some Icelandic Graffiti Art while heading back to the hostel, so that’s something.


Traded in my hoodie for the jacket, and headed off for Hallsgrimskirkja.
Sadly, this is where the photos stop.

I have photos, but either due to crappy internet (probably) or something odd happening at the database level (less likely, because filezilla also had problems), I’m having enough trouble uploading them that … I’m not going to.
It’s more annoying than it’s worth to me to be trying to post these fucking images and have the damn thing fail most of the time, and that’d end up with blog posts from someone who’s pissed off, sick of the whole thing, and which ran along the lines of;

  • Saw a church. Very minimal and Lutheran. Awesome views from the top, plus awesome windchill
    Go look up pictures from the spire that someone with decent internet uploaded, because I’ve got nothing.
  • Had a Nutella pancake on the way back which caused me to look up the Icelandic for “I Need Insulin”.
    The place closed early because there was an Iceland-wide protest about the 14% disparity between women’s & men’s wages in Iceland, where women walked off the job at the time when they stop getting paid.
  • Saw the Northern Lights from the harbour, but they do not show up on cellphone cameras.
    Not that it’d matter, because …

So I’ll go more text-based, and fill in some images later, if I can.