Cornwall Remains

This one’s a wrap-up of the Penzance Experience, mostly in the form of things I photographed because I thought they were interesting at the time.

Things like the shopfront on the uphill side of Market Jew Street, which is somewhat higher than the road.
I’m assuming that this is because it’s on a hill, and shopkeepers didn’t want stairs up to window-eye-view level.

My other theory is that the water level was once much higher, and this is the old waterfront.

Speaking of the waterfront;

My last full day in Penzance had some strong onshore winds, which lead to the rolling waves you can barely see in the photographs, and the surfers who are indistinguishable from grit on the lens.


Can anyone recommend a good compact camera with a lot of zoom and anti-shake?
Asking for a friend.

You can’t see it in the photo of the shopfronts, but this is what a lot of the footpaths around Penzance look like, at least in the steep bits. Which is most of them.

Best guess is that it’s for grip.

Cornwall has a pretty damn good, or at least extensive, bus system; Here’s the timetable for the local area, which in this case means all of Cornwall.

Page one of at least four, maybe six.

The buses go to many places, but the schedules are … sparse … at times.
It might have just been a winter thing, but the consequences of missing the bus in Land’s End were either a multi-hour wait for the next and last bus, or a long walk.

This happened to the AirBnB host; She’d taken her dog to Sennen Cove, out near Land’s End, and he’d had a wonderful time running around.
So much so that he didn’t come back when called, and they missed the last bus.
She had to ask … well, anyone she could see … for a lift back to Penzance, and the dog was unrepentant.

As you can see, the bus service has a tolerant policy regarding the species who can take it.

The point of going to Penzance was to relax a bit, not think about jobs+banks+tax, and try to make some plans about what to do next.

Solid partial success, I think.
I had some moments of waking up at 3am with my brain buzzing with concerns about what happens after this place, but I chased them away by watching season one of Stranger Things.