Twinkly Lights, Winter Wonderland, and Badgers

This is another one of them there consolidated update posts.
Just so’s you know.

First up, a few photos which didn’t make it into the last post, but which I quite liked.

Greenwich looking all sparkly,
Greenwich is crawling with markets – There’s the big mostly covered one which takes up the inside of a ‘block’, but there’s also this one, which worms it’s way back into a forgotten/unused space between buildings.
Then there’s another one which pops up on weekends.

The Cutty Sark about to set sail for Christmas deliveries on strange foreign shores,

And a strange visitor to Earl’s Court.

The Barmy Badger has a number of long-term residents, probably because it’s a nice place.
No on-site bar, so it’s pretty quiet, and a damn good kitchen for a hostel.

Naturally the gas ignition doesn’t work – That seems to be the norm for many gas stoves.

View from the room.
I’m in a different room to last time, on the other side of the building and with one fewer flight of stairs, which is no bad thing.

This one has an ensuite bathroom, though there are hot water pressure issues at time; Best guess is that a couple of other bathrooms have pump-assisted showers, so if there’s someone using both of them there’s nothing left.

Also, triple-decker bunks, which I’ve not seen in many years.
Middle one is mine – The floor-level option was already taken.

The existing crew were a guy from France, one from London, and a Canadian – A couple of Australian backpackers showed up later.

Getting in … Took some figuring out.
It’s far enough up that I can’t climb in directly, and a running leap seems ill-advised.
My best technique involves stepping up and getting a knee in, followed by some tricky shifting of balance, but seems to work.

One of the Australian backpackers may have fallen off the top bunk; There was a sizable crash at 1am and some muttering from floor level.

Did some wandering around as part of the ‘getting things done’ process, and found myself wandering through Trafalgar Square, where they’ve replaced the giant blue rooster of a few years ago with what I’m assuming is a tribute to Even Cowgirls Get The Blues.

Saw the Changing of the Guard at Horse Guards Parade more or less by accident; I was looking to cut through to the next road, but they were ushering people out of the way, and into viewing areas, so I hung around to see why.

Does anyone else think the London Eye looks like it’s lurking behind the building in this shot?
It looks like it’s up to something.

Various photographers in action; Folk get yelled at if they cross the line of the chain.

Tried to get a picture of the guy in the blue jacket taking a selfie, but the phone is not fast.
did get him looking dynamic in his post-selfie stance though.

And Giant Disapproving Techno-Owls; In times of trouble, they transform into giant fighting robot owls.
True story.

Somewhere on this wander, probably in Leicester Square (wasn’t paying attention at the time, and was heading ‘Generally East’), I went through a little Christmas Market, so it seem that’s not just a Greenwich thing.
Got to try raclette from a little kiosk, and it was everything I thought the gooey melted cheese on bread could be.

Winter Wonderland is a thing they set up in Hyde Park, and I had some time to kill, so I eventually wandered around it.
I say eventually because their mobile site lacks a map showing where the bloody site is within Hyde Park, and Hyde Park is on the large side; Just a map of the layout of rides and stalls and suchlike, and some advice on which roads/tube lines to travel by, neither of which are that much use if you walked from Earl’s Court.

It’s a Christmas Themed fair, with booze.
Lost count of the number of Mulled Wine / Glühwein vendors, for the authentic Northern Christmas experience.
Also places where you could get the traditional Christmas Churros, and of course a festive Shwarma.

Might have to go back and photograph the festive Schwarma place.

The enormous animatronic fellow pictured here stood guard over the Bavarian Village; There was nothing there specifically called “Von Strudel’s Cliche Hut”, but, as they say, it’s the vibe.

from - Didn't want to pinch their bandwidth by hotlinking

For all that it’s easy to take the piss out of, Winter Wonderland was fun just to wander around in;
The site is huge, and the little paths wind around, so you’re constantly finding a new row of stalls selling Christmas Crap, or another Mulled Churro Bratwurst vendor (I’m pretty sure I spotted one of those), or yet another fun-house (those things seem to be really popular here).