Cup Of Brown Joy

I thought about posting a succession of ‘Today’s Clothing’ images, but it’s one small step from there to Fashion Blogging, and I think we’d all agree that I have no business being in that sector of the internet.

So, week one.

There have been a lot of meetings to be told about things, and I’m hoping that some of it stuck.

I have a project to work on which is useful but not urgent, and has some well-defined steps to go through in the “will this work?” department.

And, I’m tired.
It’s been the first full week of work in at least two years.

Also, I went to a meetup of the Aylesbury SF & Fantasy group last night, which took place in a pub, as almost everything here seems to. T’was fun, and I’ll be going along to the next one.
Probably won’t be going to the Easter convention in Birmingham – The timing coincides with the end of my stay here in The Flats,  as they’re known, so I can’t be sure that I can make it.

Could write more, but this took me long enough. Goodnight!

I just thought of something.

I’m going to steer clear of taking about work in too much detail, as I’m not sure where the lines are, exactly, but there is a work related thing; When going through the drawers at my desk, there was a bunch of stuff left by the previous occupant.

Old business cards, box for a nifty wireless mouse, training manuals, microwave porridge, a teapot …

Who abandons a teapot? In England, of all places? I’m sure it’s some sort of offense to abandon a teapot in Her Magesty’s Realm, …

in the category of more practical things, I shall find out whether this reckless endangerer of tea-making equipment is still working at ESRI, and might want their stuff, or whether I can just Biff or Distribute the lot of it.