Does Anyone Still Watch This Space?

It’s Wednesday night. I fly out on Saturday midday-ish, though I’m leaving Aylesbury on Friday night & spending the night in an airport hotel, as I wasn’t sure how long it’d take to get to Heathrow on a Saturday morning.

And because staying in a hotel inside the terminal is kind of fun.

Haven’t 100% decided how to travel-blog this time around. I’m not taking Pangur Ban, my laptop, but I am taking a smartphone and a Bluetooth keyboard, so typing will not be beyond me.

I’m toying with the idea of just taking a crapload of photos & uploading them with captions & commentary, so I might start with that & see how it goes; If the style suddenly changes, it’ll be because it didn’t work. Or I got bored. Or I forgot.

OK, image uploads seem to work.

And if I were taking this phone with me, that would be meaningful.

By the way, I’ve noticed that images don’t appear in earlier posts from this year; I suspect it’s because I renamed a folder in OneDrive, and that messed up the filepaths.

I’m sure there’s a way to fix it, but I’ve not looked into it yet.