Leaving Indy Early Hours Of De Morning

It’s 0511h, that’s the best I’ve got.

As a side note, the announcements here at the combined Greyhound/Amtrak station are hilariously incomprehensible. I picked out the last few sentences, but as for the rest, I quite honestly understood more of the announcements on the Dubai Metro, and those were in Arabic.

There were some late evening shenanigans, when the room safe failed to respond to button presses. I’ve had that before, but never when my passports were locked inside.

A nice security lady came by with the unlock device (I figured there has to be such a thing, and there was a wee port on the front) but couldn’t do anything because the thing didn’t do button presses. Then Lou from maintenance/engineering came by, removed the whole front of the lock, and swapped out the batteries. (It took 5 AAs) 

Packing up Big Red went well; Things just fitted.

A friend from Aylesbury had asked if I’d pick up some things for him, but with the pack … There was just no way I could fit any game box. I had the mass allowance, it was the volume that was the issue; Some of the items on the list were double-depth boxen, and … They’d have been brushing the sides of an empty Big Red.
Y’all saw that pile of swag, right?

One of the things I like about catching the trains in this area is that you quite often see folk who I’d call Amish. Might not be the right name, but you get the idea. They’re just waiting on a train in their traditional clothes, often with enormous cups of coffee.

After all of that traveling, it was only this morning that I realised that I can get the waistband of Big Red out of the way by fastening it around the bottom of the pack, for situations where I’ll not be wearing it for long enough to need to take the load off my shoulders.