Holiday 2018: The Voyage Home

Yes, I’ve already started planning.

And what of it?! 

Gen Con is at the start of August next year, which means that for about three weeks of leave, I could be in NZ in time for π Approximation Day, spend about a week in-country, then go to Gen Con 51, then back to the UK.

Nothing’s booked yet, in part because it’s still too early for airlines to even tell you their schedule for the dates involved, but the rough idea would be;

  • Leave the UK on Tuesday 17th of July, get to NZ on Thursday 19th.
  • Spend a little over a week in NZ – it’d be nice to visit the Wellington folks, and I’ve got a bunch of Airpoints with AirNZ to make that happen.
  • Fly out to Indianapolis on the weekend of the 28th/29th.
  • Fly back to the UK on the 7th of August.

If you’ve got any thoughts, suggestions, or can spot any flaws in the vague plan, please sing out.

(I have thought about breaking up the 24 hours of flight time on the UK to NZ leg, but … I’m not sure that a night of jet-lagged sleep midway is any more use than that same night on arrival)