Contributing to the Global Nollidge Base

Every so often I’m reminded of my alleged contributions to the global store of … let’s call it knowledge … over on Google Maps.

Places I’ve reviewed, information I’ve provided, and photos I’ve uploaded.

As I type this, 1216 people have viewed this image, taken on the mound by Oxford Castle;

it looks like I’m photobombing the dynamic walking shot of bobble-hat-guy.

136 have viewed this one, taken in a guest house in Inverness;

shall we all take a moment to take in that carpet?

But here’s the one with the most views;

it’s a hotel room (duh) in New Orleans, at The Saint hotel.

More than twice as many as the next highest, an exterior shot of High Street Hostel in Edinburgh.

I have no explanation for this.

I mean, The Saint was a nice hotel.
I had an espresso soda there, which was strange but refreshing, and the decor had a certain Vous etes ici pour un Dirty Weekend vibe to it, crossed with an element of we saw this on CSI and thought it looked cool, but it’s just a hotel.
With awesome carpet.

If there is one thing I could change about this picture, one tiny thing, it would be this;
The typo in the title, because my top-viewed picture of all time, seen by more people than I can fathom being interested in such a thing, is titled “Rook with king-sized bed”.