Walking In Zurich

There was, initially, a plan to visit a park based on an old landslide which had become vegetated, with the possibility of Bears and Wolves, but this ran hard up against Jono’s need to get rid of furniture, so we went wandering along the river instead, surrounded by the cheap showyness of nature.
Also cyclists.

There had been rain up-river, so the water was kind of brown, making for an interesting effect where another river joined the flow.


Not sure how far we walked, but it was a reasonable way, and we were circled by a very circumspect duck while eating lunch, doing the “Oh No, I’m not eying up your lunch! Perish the thought! I’m just looking for … gravel. Yes, that’s it; Yummy gravel.” thing.
It eventually gave up & swam off in a huff.

On the way back, having stopped off for ice cream from a supermarket (where they were giving away chocolate at the checkout. Jono had to translate, as I had no idea whether what the checkout lady was saying was even directed at me, or whether it was a question, let along what said question was), we spotted this sign.

I got nothing.

There were electrical shenanigans in the evening, when the moving of something in a cupboard moved a presumably loose wire in the breaker panel, and made an odd collection of lights & power sockets stop working.
That was exciting, and involved the running of extension cords to make the TV go, and some improvisation with a torch to get some light into the windowless bathroom.

Not the sort of thing that you’d want to be dealing with in the last few days of occupying an apartment.

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