Another Quiet Day, Trip Planning, And Some Very Bad News

The plan for Tuesday is a trip to Lucerne, or more accurately through Lucerne, to go up a mountain in a cogwheel train from Alpnachstadt. Or something like that.
I’m leaving the rest of the place names out for now, and will hopefully fill them in later, because the chances of me getting them right are close to nil thanks to them being in German, and cut/paste is kind of a pain on an iPhone.

The majority of today was quiet & uneventful.
There was a quick trip to central Dietikon (the other side of the train tracks) so that Jono could get some documents notarised at the official document-notarising place; We got there just before they closed for lunch.
Apparently every office & business in Switzerland closes for lunch at the same time, aside from the restaurants. This sounds massively inconvenient, and I get the idea that it is massively inconvenient if you’re a working type.

There was also a trip to the supermarket, where I was defeated by the produce-weighing machine.
The idea is that you type in the identifying number of the fruit/vegetable in question, and it weighs it & prints a label. Not reading German, I went with the number on the sign which seemed to be closest to the thing in question, and the first time it seemed to work; Brought up a picture of some apples and everything.
It turns out that the picture is advertising, had no relationship to the code, and was just a fluke, which left me very confused the next time I tried.

It’ll be an early start on Tuesday, which is being hampered by having woken up at 3 and checked my email, to discover an update from work. It’s not a good update.
It turns out that the Perth office did a major re-shuffle, and got rid of the GIS team entirely. No word on the rest of the team, however much of it was left, but the Alleged Manager will be coming to New Zealand.
Auckland, specifically, to join the GIS team here.
I’m a bit hazy on how the rank & seniority systems work, but it get much looks like I’ll end up working under the direction of the same person who helped make working in Perth so unpleasant. I’ll certainly be in the same team/office/set of desks.
This is not really something I needed to know while on holiday, and right now I can’t get back to sleep. My blood pressure’s gone so high that my ears are ringing, and I’m having to resist sending a response email saying, politely, “Thanks for letting me know; I quit”.

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