A Bit Of A Test-Pack

This holiday, because I’m doing a round-trip through NZ, gives me a chance to get some stuff from storage & bring it to the UK.
More importantly, curated stuff; I’m sure it’d be possible to get everything moved, but that’s not much use until & unless there’s a place to move it to.

All of which brings me to the notion that every kilogram of stuff I take on the round-trip is a kilogram of stuff I can’t bring back, or buy at Gen Con.

Naturally, this means that I have to bore the crap out of you with a photo montage.
Don’t blame me; I don’t make the rules.

Trying to travel light for Holiday 2018

I’m trying a new image hosting thing – the WordPress option fails more uploads than it manages, and OneDrive doesn’t like to let people see the images, so this is Imgur. Maybe it’ll work.
In any case, you can click through to the next image using the little chevron things which come up when you hover over the picture.