I See No Purple Light Crashing Out Of You

A day, or at least some of a day, of being a tourist in Berlin. This one’s mostly photos.

Slept … Badly, but also slept in a bit, which made up for it. The hotel has a push-button pancake making machine, which I didn’t notice at first, so I’ll try it out tomorrow.

Because pancakes.

Today’s wandering took in the Brandenburg Gate, a park, and the Holocaust Memorial. Plus some things I saw along the way.

This is the reason I had the Sisters of Mercy track ‘Ribbons’ stuck in my head for a while; It’s Marx & Engels.

I was glad to be free of Rammstein & Laibach numbers, to be honest.

In an effort to take a picture of the gate which isn’t on every postcard, I took this one.

The park on the other side was nice, and had some big rocks in it, and also a crow (?) who objected to the rubbish disposal system.

And then there are the Stellae.

Unsurprisingly, I don’t have a funny comment or witty remark here; There aren’t any. The Holocaust Museum underneath (there is a longer name for the place, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe) could be described as a carefully detailed nightmare, the steps laid out & the movements mapped.