Neue Slowenische Kunst

If I’m going to be subjected to Rammstein & Laibach numbers as part of my mental earworm soundtrack, I’m damn well going to incorporate references to it in the posts.

Most of the Dev Summit is, I suspect, of no real interest to y’all, so I’ll skip it. Plus, I have to do a presentation on it once I’m back at work, so I’ll recycle that for a blog post.

It’s made for some long days.
On the plus side, there’s been interesting content, the standout being some folks from ESRI Netherlands who made the REST API entertaining.
Also, there’s a lot of coffee, and we got lunch. 😁

The ESRI UK mob went out for dinner on Tuesday night, and after a couple of false starts (booked for a party of 200, crowded with a two-hour wait), we ended up at a Vietnamese place which turned out to be pretty good.

Wednesday night was a conference/summit dinner: 300 people at an enormous German beer hall, with ‘traditional’ music (someone in a hostel once referred to schlagermusic as being this awful thing in Germany, and I think this is what they meant) , litre steins of beer, and enormous plates of meat.
All while people sat on benches at long tables, and folks in costume did the serving.

I suspect that it’s a loving re-creation of a traditional thing from a completely different part of the country, and which maybe never existed in the first place?

In any case, t’was a fun night out, and I was able to spot the exact point to stop drinking & go back to the hotel; Always nice when that happens.

I did take pictures, but as they show folks who aren’t me at a nominally private event, I’m not 100% sure about posting them on a public blog, so I won’t.

Today (Thursday) is the last day of the event, and there were some fairly fragile-looking folks in evidence, and a much more subdued vibe after the party of the night before.