Posting from Union Station, in the Metropolitan Lounge, of course

Right, well, that was a journey.

Flight from Heathrow to Dublin was delayed by almost an hour by the end of things. Arrival in Dublin for some reason involved getting a bus to make it to connecting flights, so said bus was full of many irritated folks wondering whether they’d miss their next flight.

I had memories of the CBP clearance at Dublin being quite pleasant. Should have added the caveat “when it’s empty”; Full of agitated people, it’s awful.

On the funny side, pretty sure the CPB Agent tried a new ( to me ) trick with questions; Got my destination city wrong, to see whether I’d notice. Also, this was the first time I’d been asked whether Gen Con is work-related.

Got through clearance as they started boarding, so that was … Closer than I’d like. The flight itself was fine, and even arrived early, which came in handy, because;

The trains running between terminals weren’t; They had shuttle bus runs instead.

The train running all the way to Chicago downtown didn’t; They’re doing upgrades, so it stops, you get on a bus, get driven to the next station via Cleveland, and get back on a train again.

I’m waiting on my last train now, in the business class lounge 😁 , and so far it hasn’t been delayed, cancelled, replaced by a bicycle rickshaw, or been swallowed by a dragon.