Trying To Sum Up Gen Con / Holiday 2019

It’s difficult to know where to start.
A lot has happened, both at the con and after it, much of it kind of horrible.

Focusing On The Good – The Games

Didn’t have a bad game this time around.
There was one ( “The Strange” ) which didn’t start well because multiple players had also run the game and felt that everyone needed to know that, and needed to benefit from their wisdom, which meant that the group took a while to gel & work together.
Once we did, things went well, and the scenario ( basically ‘Jumanji’ with a Halloween theme ) was a bunch of fun.

Played a very fun Timewatch game, where we ended up in Medicine Lodge, Kansas in 1900 battling giant mutant cockroaches from an alternate timeline to ensure that the temperance movement continued so that JFK would be at the helm during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And I got to do weird time shenanigans where future-me assisted present-me by dropping an anvil from a roof onto my opponent.

Kids On Bikes was a new one on me, and I was impressed enough that I ended up buying it as my Gen Con Impulse Purchase.
Hilariously unsupervised kids rounding up escaped Hammer Horror monsters to return them to a spooky house that wasn’t there. Also, we may have inadvertently stolen a car.

A Groundhog Day styled Masks game went well, including the bit where we realized that we absolutely had to let the loop happen one more time, owing to the enormous amounts of horrifying mutagens which got dumped in the water supply. Ended up having a nice “OK, now I trust you” narrative arc with one of the other characters, which I suspect is difficult to make happen in a four-hour con game.
( Masks looks at types of characters, not powers, when building characters. Mine was The Janus, which is about someone with a mundane life and a superhero life that they’re trying to keep secret, so a big thing is the question of “Who knows your real identity?” and “When do you reveal that identity?” )

Zombie World was another new one; I’d heard about it last year ( while buying Masks ) and was interested enough to back the Kickstart, which came in two days before I left for Gen Con, so I left it in the box.
It’s one of those games which winds the characters up and points them at each other, with various secrets revealed along the way, so it does a nice job of doing the “The Zombies Aren’t The Biggest Problem” thing from many movies in the genre; You’d want to be comfortable with potentially being actively working against some of the other players for this one. Fortunately, everyone at the table was good with that, and nobody took it personally.

Part Time Gods was another new one. The group got on well, and I got to play a Tech Tycoon / God Of Cold who was, to be honest, kind of an asshole when things didn’t go the way he wanted.
The game ran long by about an hour, but I don’t think anyone minded; It was fun, and we eventually defeated the divinely-powered Ancient Egyptian Death Robot.

Final game was Bulldogs!, a Pulp SF game about bottom-of-the-barrel freight hauling, run by one of the creators, Brennan Taylor.
It was awesome, and I got to play the Undead Medic; A fungal lifeform inhabiting a corpse.


2 responses to “Trying To Sum Up Gen Con / Holiday 2019”

  1. Paul MacQ Avatar
    Paul MacQ

    Do it again next year. Just no sick time next year ok !

  2. That IS the goal. 🙂