A Non-Gaming Gen Con Thing

I’ve not gone back to reread all of the Gen Con posts, but I am wondering whether they come across as more of a colossal tale of woe and despair than I’m really wanting them to.

Yes, stuff went wrong; Transport getting there was chaotic & disrupted, and the ending of the holiday was not what I’d planned.

But there are many good things which I think need calling out, if only to remind myself that they exist.

Did the Orc Stomp 5k.
I did this a few years ago with Frank & Moni, and decided to do it again.
Granted, I did it in walking mode, but it was surprisingly fun.
( though the idea that I’d immediately rush off to a game afterwards was flat-out wrong, as it turns out )

I’m even visible in the background of one of the pictures of the event.

Did a bunch of catching up with friends, most of which went unphotographed, it seems, though a few made it through.

Don’t really have a collection of images to cover “Played a bunch of very enjoyable games”, so here’s a picture I do have;