Hit With A Zeppelin Full Of Snooze

The first couple of nights back in NZ, I didn’t sleep so well.
Sunday night, however, I must have finally burned through the adrenaline & excitement of Holiday 2014, because I went to bed at 7:30pm-ish, and resurfaced, unwillingly, at 10:30am, with a couple of wakeful periods, one long, one short.

“Short” was being woken by my phone, for a call from the luggage delivery people. My bag was in their possession, and would be delivered on the 0800h run from their facility, so the ETA for my parents was maybe 1030h.
Based on this, I decided on a moderate amount of sleeping in, followed by going to the parent’s place to wait for the bag.

“Long” was 0300-0500.
No reason, I was just awake. It happens a fair bit.

Got woken up by a phone call at what I assumed was 7ish, telling me that the bag had, inexplicably, arrived.
Turned out it was 1030h.

Still, I have my bag now, and am doing laundry.
So. Much. Laundry.

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