Sunday Cookout: Day -3

I had a great time, and I think everyone else did too.

Tom picked me up from Indianapolis pretty early, and we did a little bit of a tour of the area on the way out. It was a nice relaxing day, with a bunch of people showing up, many of whom I remembered from last year.

French Toast, dipped in cereal.
The aforementioned cereal

I got to try ‘proper’ biscuits and gravy, and I now understand why people said that the ones I tried at the JW Marriott didn’t count; It’s because they don’t.

Google Maps noticed where I’d been; Gave them five stars, of course

The general response was;

  • Jaffa Cakes ✅
  • Tea Cakes ✅ from everyone who didn’t dislike marshmallow
  • Gingernuts – Nice, but they were expecting more of a kick of ginger. Subsequent re-testing did confirm their suitability for dunking in coffee
  • Pickled Onion Monster Munch – What The Actual Hell, These Are Awful, Why Doesn’t The Taste Go Away?

It’s been suggested that the Pickled Onion Monster Munch was a gag by my friends. If so, then it’s a spectacular one, and I appreciate and am in awe of the effort, because they got my line manager, who is based in a different office 400+ km away, in on the act.

OK, I’m actually hoping it WAS a gag.