My book for the trip was Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, which was quite good, and which I have now finished. And started reading again, thanks to the Insomnias.
Clearly I need a new book, so I picked up an on-sale copy of ‘Redshirts’ from the one bookstore I could find at the Circle Centre Mall, because I don’t think I can make it through the next day or so without some recreational reading material.
On the way back from said purchase I had my first “Hey, I know that guy” moment when I crossed paths with some folks I’d met on the VIG tour last year. (I think one of them is on the Gen Con forums, and cropped up as knowing me on a How’s Your Con Prep Going thread)
He and his Crew had just rolled into town that morning.
Shortly after getting back to the hotel I got a call from Tom from Indiana, who was up to his neck in work, but wanted to say “Hi”, so there are now clever plans to go & do coffee or something once he rolls into town tomorrow morning sometime.
Just before I started writing this update I got a text from some other Gen Con folks, Karen & Tom & The Family Lewis from somewhere in Michigan, so I may well be catching up with them later on this evening.
I passed on the trading card stuff from my VIG pack to their youngest last year, and he was honest & cautious enough to make sure I knew that some of it was rare & valuable stuff
Note: There were a crapload of Toms at last year’s Gen Con, or at least it seemed that way from the people I met.
Tom from Indiana, Tom from Michigan, Tom from Ottawa, and I’m pretty sure there was another Thomas as well, and three of those were at the same table in the VIG lounge.
There was a Star Wars exhibit at the Indiana State Museum, conveniently located across the road from the hotel, so there went a couple of hours.
T’was interesting, with various models, and some hands-on technology stuff to do with robots & mag-lev which were overrun with children.
Since I was there, I did the rest of the museum, and got to see evidence of the Earth spinning.
More by luck than judgement (apologies to Ned’s Atomic Dustbin for the blatant theft of their lyric) I wound up seeing the pendulum knock down two pegs, some time apart, and there was evidence of the movement of a third.
Also, I took a nigh-useless reflected self-portrait.
I don’t want to tempt too much fate, even though I found the fourth die needed, but I’m more alert than I was yesterday, so hopefully I’m adjusting to the climate & time zone.
If not, there’s always the hotel gym & blatant caffeine abuse.
2 responses to “Day Two – Bookstores, Chance Meetings, And Abraham Lincoln”
If you needed something to read you could always have bought my book from Amazon or Lulu – the link is on the front page of my website – it’s an inexpensive download and you can read it on your phone or laptop or whatever electronic downloading device you have with you.
Did you see the film of Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter ? I thought it was hyped up too much and didnt deliver the goods. Circle Centre Mall in Indy is quite disappointing really – the only good thing there is the foodcourt and the cinema. The only two good things there are the food court, the cinema and the sweetshop. The only three good things there ……. aaagh! The fluffy pillows and the comfortable chairs !!!!
The Star Wars and the Earth rotating sound like they were a good way to spend time. Indy is a nice city but it isn’t the most exciting place to waste time – I hear the Zoo is very good (always wanted to go) it’s just outside of town, not that far according to the map. It may be a nice place to kill some time tomorrow for you.
Only 34 hours to go and GenCon 2013 opens. Keep up the good blog and the photos.
I managed to completely miss, or completely forget, that you had/have a book. Not sure how that happened.
I know what you mean about the mall; It looks nice and all, but there’s bugger-all there that I’d expect to be in a shopping area. I’d never been to a mall with no bookstore before.
The chairs ARE comfy though.