There was Hostel Drama this morning.
Someone who checked in late snuck/let a guy into the women’s dorm, left enough of a mess on the bedding & towel that hostel owner fined her, and I suspect there’s a pretty good chance the sneaking in is a scam they run regularly to avoid paying for two beds. (Hostel owner would have fined her more if she could have proved that the sneaking in occurred, but settled for damages for bloodstained sheet & towel)
I’m half expecting to hear that the same sort of drama happened at another hostel tonight; I saw the two people head off from a cafe, and while he wandered off empty-handed in one direction, she had a bag and headed further down the no exit street, towards a bunch of other hostels.
Then he turned up again a bit later.
The hostel owner here did post about it on a shared group they all have, so if this is a regular thing for them, …
For the record, I am close to the equator, so the sun sets quickly, giving an entirely false impression that I’ve been here a long time.
And the second 620ml beer bottle?
Perhaps we should stop asking awkward questions.
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