Gen Con Day Two – Dirty Walkin, Zombie Dropping, Coffee Shopping Fun

Woke up to my alarm, which was deeply confusing to me for some reason. In retrospect, maybe “The Weekenders” by The Hold Steady wasn’t the best choice for wake-up music.
Good song though.
She said “The theme of this party’s the Industrial Age”,
And you came in dressed like a train wreck.

My first game was Funkadelic Frankenstein, and was hilarious; I got to play “Fishbone” Jenkins, a Deep One Aquarium Researcher, part-time P.I., and committed Dagonist, as we investigated a religious group looking to ‘purify’ monsters.

Really looking forward to the Lemuria Rising game tomorrow, which uses the same system.

Post-game, I picked up part 2 of the VIG swag bag, which had a much higher proportion of “stuff that isn’t my sort of thing” than part one.
Fortunately, and I only noticed this after dropping off the stuff at my hotel, they have a donation bin for unwanted stuff to go to Military gamers.
(it turns out that there’s a playable preview of D&D Next in there, if anyone’s keen?)

Today’s Game On Demand was Zombie Cinema, which we set at Gen Con. One person actually lived; I could have too, if I hadn’t gone back for that pesky kid.
It’s a fantastic game, as I’d thought it was, and I’m glad I’ve already bought a copy; Got it during VIG early entry.

My final game was a Better Angels game, and it was a rolling tonne of fun; We adopted a signal of forefingers used as horns to indicate when we were talking as each other’s demons, stole an oil tanker for no readily explainable reason, blocked a channel with it once we gave up on that plan and … OK, I’m going to buy said game tomorrow.
‘Nuff Said.
Also, I gave out a couple of Big Red Couch bookmarks at the end of the game, to people who at least SEEMED interested

I hung out with Moni, Frank, and sporadic Steve for a while as we tried & failed to get our act together on the dinner-having front, but then the elephant of sleeping laid it’s trunk upon me, and I started flagging, so I ambled off to sleep.
Then smelled the foods from the bar at the JW, got instantly ravenous, & washed up here, typing an update with distressingly greasy fingers in the bar & eating a pretzel burger.

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