
I only took one photo in Tauranga, so, uhhh, here it is;

yes the one picture I took in Tauranga was of two cats staring at each other on a roof why are you making such a big deal of this

yes the one picture I took in Tauranga was of two cats staring at each other on a roof why are you making such a big deal of this

For the most part, Tauranga was about hanging out with Janjo & Gareth, and their mobile noisemakers beasts children.
Laundry was also involved, and the weather mercifully allowed this to happen.

Watched a couple of movies with them, Mental and Ten Inch Hero, both of which were pretty damn good.
For the Supernatural fans, Ten Inch Hero has Jensen Ackles in it, and it’s worth reading his dreadful shirts.

We also went to a … Mitre 10? Bunnings? … not sure … A big damn hardware store with a garden centre attached, plus playground and cafe.
The playground was very much the focus of small human attention, right up to the point that we got there, at which point it became the forbidden zone, and he refused to go anywhere near it, or to allow the notion that other people might go near it. Said small mammal eventually changed his mind, grudgingly, when chips became a possibility, or maybe when abandonment in the store to fend for himself became a possibility.

There was also the assembly of a sauna; One of the two-person if they’re close indoor types.
That was quite fun, though small children have an unerring ability to get in the way when you’re moving or carrying or assembling things; Like cats, but much louder.
And maybe more sticky? Not sure.
In any case, the sauna panels slot together, and the wiring system had clip-together plugs which seemed fairly simple, though a certain amount of percussive persuading was needed for some parts, and it was only a two person assembly job if one of those people is an octopus.

from http://aminoapps.com/page/anime/514513/koro-sensei


It was a good weekend.