Tag: Bangkok
Slept pretty well at the hostel in Bangkok, and got to the airport in plenty of time for the flight to Singapore. I’d assumed that I’d need to get a Grab or Taxi or something, but the hostel had a ride option, which turned out to be “hostel owner drives you there”, at around the…
Mad it through flight one of the trip; Chiang Mai to Bangkok. It was an afternoon flight, so I got to have a leisurely start to the day; Breakfast at the café next door, chatted with a friend in NZ, that sort of thing. The Grab ride to the airport was mostly fine, though it…
As Far As The Bangkok to Chiang Mai Bus
Probably my earliest start of Thailand today, mostly because I set an alarm to make sure I wasn’t packing in a hurry. The hostel had a very relaxed attitude to people hanging out after checkout, and a bag store, so I was able to spend a chunk of the day wandering around. At a canal…
Last Night In Bangkok
Is he referencing the musical “Chess”? Who can tell anymore? No updates for a while, because there’s not been too much to say. Bangkok, sadly, hasn’t been great. I’ve been mildly unwell, not to the point of needing a doctor but at the This Is Really Annoying level, and I’ve found Bangkok to just be…
Bangkok, Day 2 & 3
Day two could accurately be described as “Lacking Momentum”. Took me a long-ass time to transition from ‘bed’ to ‘outside’ states, and I just couldn’t quite get enough forward momentum to do much with the day. That’s OK, I think; It’s something I expected to happen at some point, and this is over a month…
Bangkok, Day One
Nothing particularly significant happened today, more or less by design. I slept in, wandered around the area to see what I could find, had breakfast at a cafe with pictures of cats on the counter … The usual. There are so many weed shops & cafes here. I tried to look up what the Thai…
Siem Reap to Bangkok
Slept fairly well, unexpectedly, up until the 5am alarm. I’d done all the packing I possibly could last night, so the morning process & final pack didn’t take very long at all. Partially because I’m getting better at it, and partially because I don’t have that much stuff. I’d arranged, by which I mean I…
Singapore – Bangkok – Hanoi
I could have slept better. There’s some nerves from the upcoming flights, & Vietnam in general, plus the headache of the last few days kept coming back. I’d done most of the packing last night, leaving myself without much to do but throw the last few things in my bag & make sure I hadn’t…