Last Night In Bangkok

Is he referencing the musical “Chess”? Who can tell anymore?

No updates for a while, because there’s not been too much to say.

Bangkok, sadly, hasn’t been great. I’ve been mildly unwell, not to the point of needing a doctor but at the This Is Really Annoying level, and I’ve found Bangkok to just be too much for me; Too loud & too chaotic.
Not that I’ve had a miserable time, but I’ve not done much because it’s difficult being out in the overload?

I looked at various tours, and they just filled me with “don’t care” & “that’s a pub crawl in disguise”.
But I found some nice places to hang out, & read a bunch of eBooks a friend in NZ sent me.
There’s a good chance I just needed a break, and my body decided to take one when there was no indication that I’d do so unprompted.

I’ll be in Chiang Mai for Xmas; I’m catching the night bus tomorrow. I’ve got a few nights in a hostel dorm, then a few in a hotel over Christmas, and I’ve found a few places there that’re doing a Christmas Dinner thing (one of which is an Irish bar, which I shouldn’t find funny, but that’s what’s happening)

I’m hoping that Chiang Mai will be more chill, and a guy I bought my Thai SIM card from recommended Pai as a place to check out from CM, so I’ve got that as an option. Though various tourist sites do say that the road trip from Chiang Mai has 700 turns in it, so best approached with an empty tank, as it were.

7-11 getting into the Christmas Spirit with a New Year’s Eve message. Seriously, it says Happy New Year.
Those are the most decorated trucks I’ve ever seen. The one behind has as many wing mirrors as they could fit, at the level where most of them are stacked & completely non-functional.
Outside the Back Home Backpackers
Yet another view from a cafe
Some entirely typical wiring. I think it’s mostly telecommunications, because I think the boxes are the joints where individual wires are connected
Bar/restaurant on the corner of the alley. It’s quiet enough that it’s not a total assault on the senses.
This is just because I saw the person selling fried insects, the least horrifying of which was the pile of crickets.