Getting There Is Practically None Of The Fun

Photo to convince myself that I locked the front door, because it proves that my key & I interacted with the lock, so I didn’t just walk out & forget
Aerotel in Terminal 3, London Heathrow. Not huge, but comfy enough, and so much better than a 4am taxi ride
About to fly to Dublin
BLT on a cheddar herb Bagel at Terminal 3, Chicago O’Hare. Probably dinner by my timeline; think I’d been awake 17-18 hours at that point
Downtown Indy from the air. JW Marriott Hotel & LucasOil Stadium can be seen a little bit up+right from the centre of the picture, but the ICC sort of blends into the ground clutter
Park view room on the 24th floor

The Gen Con Schedule

Here’s how it looks;

Not 100 on how I’ll fill that gap on Saturday, but I’m sure something will come up.

All of the games are either in the JW Marriott ( it’s a convenient coincidence – I almost always stay there ) or in the Indiana Convention Centre ( over in the NE corner ). Fortunately, given the excessive heat warning issued for … well, Indiana … there are Skywalks & a whole lot of air conditioning.

Skywalks in light bloo, Cutural Trail in green, Mostly-Pedestrianised Plaza in brown.
Original ( larger and more comprehensive ) image at

In Which Craig Looks At The Gen Con 2022 Event List

Being a listing of the things which I found by specifically looking for them by company or system, or just by scrolling through the list and spotting a name which made me say “What’s that about?”

I have no idea how many of these I’m going to end up playing;
Some are on the list because it’s a system/setting I’ve enjoyed
Some are here because it’s a game I’ve wanted to play for a while, but never found the opportunity
Some are here because it’s a brand-new game that I want to try out
And some just because they look interesting

Ghost Wrasslers: Dead and Breakfast
It’s a charming B&B with one small problem. Guests Flee in the middle of the night. Time for the Ghost Wrasslers to step in!
TV land is full of ghost hunting shows, but none are like Ghost Wrasslers. These brawny paranormal investigators’ job is to put the smackdown on ghosts. Not your great-granny still making her rocking chair rock ghosts, no. We’re talking ghosts with a mean streak a mile wide. Your job is to send those spooks back to the Great Beyond where they belong. Mallards is a charming B&B with one small problem. Every guest leaves in the middle of the night. Time for the Ghost Wrasslers to step in!
QAGS, 2nd Edition

The Great Soul Train Robbery: Hell-Raising Heist
On the road to Hell there was a railway line. An express train to the infernal city of Dis, crewed by furies and carrying treasure and souls to damnation. You’re going to rob it.
You’re a motley crew with mixed motives. Sharpshooters, snake-handlers, homesteader widows… Desperados all. You all have two stats, Lover and Sinner. Use Lover to make human connections, to act with honor, to hold onto hope, to resist opportunities for vice, and for selfless acts. Use Sinner to do dirty deeds, to act with brutality, to lie through your teeth, to resist pleas for mercy, and for selfish acts. Will you claim your prize from the train, or be overcome, damned, or broken by the heist?
The Great Soul Train Robbery

Bar Wars!
Work with others to make sure that the place where everyone knows your name and the beer is cold is saved from villains, pirates and other unsavory types.
A tried and true classic. The game where the universal laws are made up of all the bits that they didn’t want in the real universe. Work with others to make sure that the place where everyone knows your name and the beer is cold is saved from villains, pirates and other unsavory types.
Tales Of The Floating Vagabond

Yazeba’s Summer Adventure
Visit a magical bed & breakfast in this slice-of-life tabletop RPG about a heartless witch, a peaceful house, and all the folks who have made their home inside.
Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast is a very special game. It uses pre-set characters, quick-play chapters, and an adaptable ruleset unlike anything else out there. It takes less than a half hour to learn how to play and get started, but with new chapters and secrets to unlock folks can stick with the game for years and years. A guide will be available to help you along the way.
Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast, prerelease Edition

People who look exactly like the heroes and share their powers are destroying Halcyon! The city turns against them and brands them as villains. Can the heroes save the city and their reputations?
Masks: A New Generation

The Spiderweb
As the Spider gains control of Halcyon City, the threat to your neighborhood rises. A criminal war brews, and you and your loved ones live at ground zero. Can you keep them safe? And at what cost?
Masks: A New Generation

This is a Teenage Superheroes game, though it’s focused far more on the ‘Teenage’ part.
As a teenager, adults are constantly telling you what to do & who to be, and as a member of the latest generation of superheroes, the previous generations are constantly telling who you are & how to do things

Disaster at Gen Con
Gen Con only comes around once a year! You’re not going to let anything get in your way. But, things turn dark as horror takes over the con. Fight to survive and you might make it out alive.
You’ve been having the time of your life at the greatest four days in gaming. It only comes around once a year and you’ve been determined to make the most of the experience. But things turn sinister one afternoon and when you regain your senses, find yourself in an empty game room with a group of strangers. Do you have what it takes to escape the con alive? Or will you meet a less than enjoyable end? A cooperative, tragic horror game. You’ll work together to tell a story built around hope. But even as your characters fight to survive, you must guide them even as you’re saddled with the knowledge that their death is assured.
Ten Candles

Wayfaring Strange: Lost Highway
You have found yourselves in a roadside diner, with no memory of how you got there, and no ability to leave. Will you unravel the mystery and find a way to escape, or will you become one of the Lost?
Wayfaring Strange is an original diceless tabletop roleplaying game by Drowning Moon Studios that explores the concepts of hidden highways, urban legends, folk magic and survival in liminal America. Players portray Wayfarers, people on the fringes of civilized society doing their best to survive, or even thrive in a shadowy, dangerous world ripe with unknowable power. Pre-generated characters are provided, and the system is streamlined, easy to learn and prioritizes cooperative play. The Wayfaring Strange ashcan will be available for download on the Drowning Moon Studios website prior to the convention.
Strangeness & Charm

Delacorte Academy
Step into a world of magic as you join the Academy. But what was supposed to be just another boring school year learning to weave spells turns into something.
Step into a world of magic as you join the Academy. But what was supposed to be just another boring school year learning to weave spells turns into something you would have never expected.
Kids on Brooms

This is a spinoff from Kids On Bikes, with presumably some tips of the hat to a certain series of novels about a school for Wizards?

Big Rich Clarke and the Little Boat Pirates
During a race to prove a new “Radiant Engine”, our adventurers find a wrecked boat and a missing crew. High tempers and high adventure on the Kennet and Avon Canal in an Age of Fantasy and High Steam!
Castle Falkenstein

Familiar Companions, Peculiar Heroes
The Orc King has attacked the Kingdom of Shaam, but its heroes are missing! It’s up to an unlikely group to save the day – the heroes’ brave (and remarkably competent) familiars and animal companions.
Fate Accelerated Edition

Bad Moon Rising
Within the Dustbowl of America, a dark carnival wanders trying to save people from the darkness spreading. Will they be able to save the starving town where evil is spawning?
Crossroads Carnival

The Apartment
Experience the classic introductory adventure, as a group of misfits living in the same building fight to protect their home from the Corporate interests who want to knock it down.
Cyberpunk, RED Edition

Are Those Bite Marks?
Today, what appears to be an animal attack has left a resident badly injured. A bunch of townsfolk insist it must have been a stray dog. But you know it’s never that simple in Nowhereville.

Master Thieves from the Future Save Reality!
You’re not just master thieves – you’re master thieves from the future! And your ability to bend reality will come in handy as you face unexpected twists and turns in a heist to save reality itself.
The perfect heist. Getting in, getting out. Smooth talk and careful bluffs. Stealth, hacking, and quick action. You and your crew pull it off every time. Because you’re not just master thieves—you’re master thieves from the future, who bend the very rules of reality when you need to. And you’re going to need to, as your perfect heist encounters astonishing twists and turns in this unique zero-prep new game where players and GM collaborate to create the scenario and the plan at the same time.
Stealing Stories for the Devil

Lights, Camera, Die
You are in a horror-comedy movie. Almost everyone will die, it’s just a matter of how funny you make it. Once a character is gone, you become a producer and continue to influence the story.
Die Laughing is a GM-less role-playing game where players take on the role of characters in a horror-comedy. Almost everyone will die, it’s just a matter of how funny they make it. Once a character is gone, you become a producer and influence the story and mess with other characters until the end. The game is fast paced, and every session is different.
Die Laughing

Grab the Honey and Run
Criminal bears are on a mission to steal more honey than they know what to do with.
Honey Heist remains one of the most popular single-page roleplaying games ever written, & at Gen Con 2022 you’ll have the opportunity to play it with its creator at the helm. Grant Howitt will steer a gang of criminal bears on the heist of their lives in an effort to grab as much honey as they can. Chaos! Mauling! Disguises! Haunted beehives! Hats! Yes!
Honey Heist

The Case of the Knocked Over Trash
One of your doggos is blamed for this disaster but what really caused it? Another dog? Reckless teens? A gang of racoons? A gremlin? Can they clear their friend’s name? Are they still a good dog?!
Your pack runs the alleys at night, protecting your peoples from incursion by the parliament of cats, the black masks (a gang of raccoons), local teens, and other things that go bump in the night. One night as the pack stopped to get Lou, former junkyard dog pup turned loving backyard protector, they find him chained. Someone has been knocking over trash cans on his street and his peoples regretfully locked him up because the next-door peoples got into barking loudly with his peoples. Your pack needs to clear Lou’s name and find out who the real culprit is in… Heckin’ Good Doggos and the Case of The Knocked Over Trash A mystery for 6 doggos (players) using the +One System from Wet Ink Games This event will include character creation and rules explanation for the system.
Heckin’ Good Doggos

There are a few more Heckin’ Good Doggos game sessions, including “Heckin’ Squirrel Domination!” & “Super Good Doggos Save The World”, which uses the Superpowered Dogs expansion to the game, because apparently that’s a thing.

Hundred Year War Era: Fire Nation II
A theater troupe managed to enrage the Fire Lord by performing an unflattering – and wildly popular – rendition of his deeds. Will you be able to get them out before they are discovered?
Avatar Legends

This is an RPG set in the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe, and which has the capacity to set games in the various eras of that show’s history; Aang, Korra, Hundred Year War, Roku, Kyoshi, … you get the idea.