Sunday: Day 4 :: Urban Shadows & The Hall Of Spending

Urban Shadows again. This time I went for something about as far from ‘normal person’ as possible, and played a ghost. I feel like I got the game more this time, the idea of using the influence of your group, the trading of debts to get things done, that sort of thing

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Saturday: Day 3 :: Urban Shadows & Rapscallion

Urban Shadows is a game I’d heard of, but never played, and was down in the unfashionable “these will never come up” tail end of my event wishlist.

Well, it did, and after some misgivings during the game, I’m glad it did.

Urban Shadows is political urban fantasy, so there’s a lot going on with debts owed & owing, the power+influence of your circle/group, that sort of thing.

Because I had no idea what I was doing I picked a character who was a regular person who just knew a lot about what is really going on out there
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Friday: Day 2 :: Orc Stomp, CHEW, & Stealing Stories For The Devil

The Orc Stomp is a 5k allegedly fun run, which I, and a fair number of others, walk. I did it with Mini & Frank a few years back, found that I oddly enjoyed it, and so kept doing it; There’s a charity element, so I can pretend that it’s not completely about me, and because it’s exercise I can also pretend that it offsets some of the terrible dietary decisions I’m no doubt going to make, or may have already made, during the con.

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Thursday: Day 1 :: Rapscallion, Avatar Legends, & the VIG Mixer

First up was Rapscallion; I’d never heard of this game prior to the event wishlist process, and I’m so very glad that I spotted it, because it was my standout game of the Con.

Looking at the various documentation I have for events, I must have spotted it while looking for things to fill it out the tail end of my wish list. Presumably I was looking through events by Magpie Games, or maybe games that were Powered By The Apocalypse or Forged In The Dark.

I took the name from one of the folks whose name is on the wall at LucasOil Stadium, and … It sounds piratical to me
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Holiday 2023 Officially Begins

Going against almost every packing habit of the last 5 years, most of my stuff is loosely/badly packed in the suitcase so that it’s not mostly empty & so that the British Snacks will have something to keep them from being bashed to fragments on the trip. The only things in the carry on are the “must travel with me” items & a change of clothes; You only need to have your luggage delayed once before you start doing that.

This is my Heathrow-adjacent hotel in Hatton Cross. I’ve been upgraded to a ‘King’ room, which presumably has a bigger bed, but also has a fainting couch.

I’ve ridden the tube to find my terminal for tomorrow. The hotel I’m staying in isn’t in the grounds of the airport, but is extremely airport adjacent , and the tube run between here and the terminals is free. ( Airport terminal hotels were super expensive; the price of the tiny little windowless cabin I stayed in last time more than doubled )

I’ve managed to kick things off with a cold+sore throat combination, so that’s going to be fun. I have a reusable mask with me, so I’ll be at least trying to wear it on the flights, out of consideration for others.

29/7 – Flying Day

Slept ok. Odd dreams about JSON config & suffocation, or maybe config items set to turn the air off?
T3 was empty as I left. T2 was madness.
There are other/extra airlines using it, and the queues for those airlines are out the door & almost to the carpark.

Aer Lingus check-in was less mad, but still problematic. They were prioritising the 0640, but didn’t have people intercepting at the start of the line, so an old American woman was doing it; she had kind of a useful busybody vibe, though I suspect she was trying to simultaneously not lose her position near the kiosk/machines AND not stop people on earlier flights from making their plane.
Eventually got to a kiosk machine, which refused to read my passport.
Got boarding passes issued by an actual human being.

Had Millennial Breakfast of poached egg & smashed avocado on sourdough from a pub/taproom.

Flight to Dublin uneventful.

Dublin airport is a maze of corridors, but they do leave you with only one route, and eventually made it to US Preclearance.
Security screening was its usual zoo when that place is full.
People one ahead of me in the line for the TSA person in the kiosk had some sort of problem, which took a while. Then the TSA person left the booth to lead them into the non-passenger bit, leaving me in line for an empty kiosk.
Got re-assigned to a somewhat disinterested chap; where are you going, purpose of trip, picture, there you go.

Gate area was, again, a bit of a zoo.
Long queues of people & indistinct announcements.
There were announcements about full flights, so they were offering free-checking of carry on luggage to your destination. One flight was overbooked, and they were looking for a volunteer, starting the offer at a hotel night & up to £2000.

Did American Airlines check in while waiting; that went well, and I took a screenshot of the pass, just in case.

Accidentally joined the queue for my gate when the priority boarding was announced. Actually wanted to get to somewhere that I could hear the announcements & see the gate, but ended up part of the line. Fortunately they announced All Rows boarding just before I got to the desk (similar situation for the family immediately behind me)

Plane probably left a bit late?
It’s very full; no empty seats at all.

Nodded off a few times, but didn’t really sleep. Or do anything else. Just sort of zoned out & watched the little plane on the map.
Entertainment system was playing up, so I had a choice of a very few movies, and no way to navigate to anything else. Nothing held my interest, though did reread Murderbot #4.
Pretty sure I saw the south coast of Greenland out the window.

Had to leave T5 on arrival to take the wee train to T3 (airside transfer was suspended a while back). The exit from T5 really isn’t obvious at all, or at least not the one I found; you have to cut through the food court, and it doesn’t look very official.

T3 went well. Checked that my mobile boarding pass was still good, and the chap at American Airlines suggested that I go to the security screening at the far end, because it was less crowded. Also a very chill experience, which was nice; there were still people & lines, but they were a bit calmer than I’d expected for Chicago.

Got a very nice BLT Bagel for probably dinner.

Flight to Indy delayed (crews previous flight got in late), but they made up some time, and I had a window seat with some awesome views of fields & roads. Spotted the JW & LucasOil from the air. And maybe the hospital, but wasn’t sure on that one. ( just checked; yes, it was the hospital )

The airside of Indy looks different. More empty space, no Café Patachou, more closed shopfronts.

Taxi system at Indy works way better than I expected. You press a button, and a few minutes later a taxi shows up.
I think it’s a different space to where I used to catch the shuttle bus, but my memory is being fuzzy here. I think it’s one road further out for the taxis & general population pickup?

Hotel cannot run my bookings together this time, so I have a 3-night, a 7, and a 1. They’re different room types?
Currently on 24th floor, in an accessible room.
Next one, according to the app, is a top floor room, so here’s hoping.

There’s a concert in White River State Park.

Did sink laundry, had a shower, waited until 10pm or so, then slept.

28/7 – That First Step Out The Door

Woke up stupidly early at 5am
Sent the travel plans email to Parents, read for a bit

Coffee+Walk with Alex, who suggested Argos for a power bank.
Did dishes, swept, unplugged everything, took out rubbish/recycling.
Walked through the park to Argos, which has moved. Curry’s still there, bought power bank.

Took many pictures of power sockets & windows; devices unplugged, windows latched in the vent position.
Took pictures of taps.
Narrated nearly ten minutes of walking the flat & checking everything.

(This is my ridiculous process for not worrying that I’ve left a tap running, or the iron on, or forgot to lock the front door. I know I’ve taken the pictures and made an audio note, so I know that I checked it)

Proof that I interacted with the front door, so I must have locked it

Train to Marylebone.

Platform 3 at Aylesbury Station

Luckily not the same one as the very chatty Carribbean hairdresser at Aylesbury, who was friendly, but would have gotten painful for an hour long trip.
Got some postcards for Dawn, but not a great selection.

Lunch at Five Guys, because why not.

Tube to Paddington, Heathrow Express to … Heathrow.
Arrived before hotel check-in, so followed the access tunnel to T2, to see where the flight leaves from (same place as always), then went back to T3 (where I flew into after medical repatriation)

Tried the Aer Lingus online check-in, but the app crashed partway through the process, and just wouldn’t do it.

Hotel key didn’t work first time, but second attempt was fine. Room is on the small side; could place my hands flat on the bathroom wall while sitting on the toilet. Bed takes up ⅔ of the width of the space, but it’s comfortable enough, and only for one night.
Should have packed the double port USB plug. There was one wired in, but a way up the wall, so had to put the thing charging from that port on top of stuff to make the cords reach.

Aerotel at London Heathrow

Walked back to T2 to be sure I knew the way.

Basically mooched around until it seemed time to get some sleep. Used the ‘lounge’ to write out the flights & times in notebook, just in case.

Hotel room has annoying green light in roof that probably has something to do with a fire alarm, maybe, but it lights up the whole room enough that you can still see the outlines of things even with the rest of the lights off.