Getting There

Well, I slept badly, but that’s to be expected with pre-holiday nerves & a cold of some sort.

There were very short lines at the Aer Lingus check in, but still, it took a bunch longer than expected. I’m not sure why, but the chap dealing with my check-in had troubles, so did the person they called over, so I was sent to the actual Aer Lingus staff, who just sorted it out?

I’m wondering if the preflight information didn’t update or something.

I like them as an airline, but their systems are not good.

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Holiday 2023 Officially Begins

Going against almost every packing habit of the last 5 years, most of my stuff is loosely/badly packed in the suitcase so that it’s not mostly empty & so that the British Snacks will have something to keep them from being bashed to fragments on the trip. The only things in the carry on are the “must travel with me” items & a change of clothes; You only need to have your luggage delayed once before you start doing that.

This is my Heathrow-adjacent hotel in Hatton Cross. I’ve been upgraded to a ‘King’ room, which presumably has a bigger bed, but also has a fainting couch.

I’ve ridden the tube to find my terminal for tomorrow. The hotel I’m staying in isn’t in the grounds of the airport, but is extremely airport adjacent , and the tube run between here and the terminals is free. ( Airport terminal hotels were super expensive; the price of the tiny little windowless cabin I stayed in last time more than doubled )

I’ve managed to kick things off with a cold+sore throat combination, so that’s going to be fun. I have a reusable mask with me, so I’ll be at least trying to wear it on the flights, out of consideration for others.

The Gen Con Schedule

Here’s how it looks;

Not 100 on how I’ll fill that gap on Saturday, but I’m sure something will come up.

All of the games are either in the JW Marriott ( it’s a convenient coincidence – I almost always stay there ) or in the Indiana Convention Centre ( over in the NE corner ). Fortunately, given the excessive heat warning issued for … well, Indiana … there are Skywalks & a whole lot of air conditioning.

Skywalks in light bloo, Cutural Trail in green, Mostly-Pedestrianised Plaza in brown.
Original ( larger and more comprehensive ) image at