Luncheon In Hobbiton: The Green Dragon
Lots of images, Yadda Yadda Yadda, you’ve been warned. The tour included a drink at the Green Dragon, and also a lunch in a marquee outside.
Luncheon In Hobbiton: I Could Live In One Of These
Image Heavy, as usual Something they’ve added in the past year or so is a couple of hobbit hole interiors. Not used in the films, but built by the Weta folks who made the interior sets. They divided the group in two for space reasons, because 30 people in one of those would have been…
Luncheon In Hobbiton – Touring Hobbiton
Very image heavy, even by my admittedly low standards; You’ve been warned I’m breaking this up into multiple posts, because there are a lot of pictures. For a Too Long: Didn’t Read summary? Hobbiton was awesome. I’d say it was like being there, except that I took the tour from Rotorua to Auckland, which involves…