Saturday: Day 3 :: Urban Shadows & Rapscallion

Urban Shadows is a game I’d heard of, but never played, and was down in the unfashionable “these will never come up” tail end of my event wishlist.

Well, it did, and after some misgivings during the game, I’m glad it did.

Urban Shadows is political urban fantasy, so there’s a lot going on with debts owed & owing, the power+influence of your circle/group, that sort of thing.

Because I had no idea what I was doing I picked a character who was a regular person who just knew a lot about what is really going on out there
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Thursday: Day 1 :: Rapscallion, Avatar Legends, & the VIG Mixer

First up was Rapscallion; I’d never heard of this game prior to the event wishlist process, and I’m so very glad that I spotted it, because it was my standout game of the Con.

Looking at the various documentation I have for events, I must have spotted it while looking for things to fill it out the tail end of my wish list. Presumably I was looking through events by Magpie Games, or maybe games that were Powered By The Apocalypse or Forged In The Dark.

I took the name from one of the folks whose name is on the wall at LucasOil Stadium, and … It sounds piratical to me
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